Real News Video: Gaza Death Toll Nears 1500 [NOW OVER 1,700] as Ceasefire Breaks Down; Dozens Trapped Near Rafah Crossing

TRNN's Lia Tarachansky speaks with Gaza blogger Nalan al-Sarraj who is among dozens trapped near the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, and also comments on the renewed wave of protests spreading through the West Bank

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استشهاد 4 فلسطينيين من عائلة واحدة في غارة اسرائيلية على منزل في رفح

استشهاد 4 فلسطينيين من عائلة واحدة في غارة اسرائيلية على منزل في رفح


غزة (الاراضي الفلسطينية) ـ أ ف ب ـ اعلن مصدر طبي فلسطيني السبت ان اربعة فلسطينيين من عائلة واحدة استشهدوا في غارة اسرائيلية استهدفت منزلهم في رفح جنوب قطاع غزة .
وقال اشرف القدرة الناطق باسم وزارة الصحة في غزة “ارتقى اربعة شهداء و(تم تسجيل) عدد من الاصابات في غارة اسرائيلية على منزل لعائلة البحابصة (الذي تم) تدميره على رؤس ساكنيه في مدينة رفح جنوب قطاع غزة”.

وددت أن أكون بوليفيًا/ فهمي هويدي

وددت أن أكون بوليفيًا/ فهمي هويدي
عن "الشروق" المصرية
تاريخ النشر: 02/08/2014 - آخر تحديث: 18:48
لو لم أكن مصريا لوددت أن أكون بوليفيا. كان ذلك تعليق الأسبوع الذي عبرت به عن تقدير موقف بوليفيا التى أعلنت إسرائيل دولة إرهابية، وقطعت علاقاتها معها احتجاجا على حملة الإبادة والجرائم ضد الإنسانية التي ترتكبها في غزة منذ أكثر من ثلاثة أسابيع.
لم تكن بوليفيا وحيدة في ذلك. ولكن ذلك الموقف الشريف تبنته دول أخرى في أمريكا اللاتينية مثل البرازيل والإكوادور وفنزويلا وكوبا، فضلا عن دول أخرى سحبت سفراءها من الدولة العبرية هي تشيلي وسلفادور وبيرو.
هذا الغضب الذي أعلنته دول أمريكا اللاتينية وعبرت فيه عن رفضها للممارسات الإسرائيلية وتضامنها مع الشعب الفلسطيني، توازى مع مظاهرات عدة خرجت في العديد من العواصم الأوروبية نددت بالسياسة الإسرائيلية وطالبت الدولة العبرية بوقف عدوانها الهمجي. في ذات الوقت تابعنا خلال الأيام الماضية بيانات المنظمات الحقوقية الدولية ومفوضية حقوق الإنسان التابعة للأمم المتحدة التي انتقدت وحشية إسرائيل وتعمدها قتل المدنيين بالمخالفة للقوانين والأعراف الدولية. ولا ينسى أحد صورة مسؤول «الأونروا» في غزة الذي انفجر باكيا على شاشات التليفزيون وهو يتحدث في تعمد إسرائيل قصف المدرسة التابعة للمنظمة الدولية في غزة، رغم أن إدارتها أبلغت السلطات الإسرائيلية 16 مرة بأنها تأوي مدنيين عزلا لاذوا بها احتماء من الموت الذى بات يتربص بهم فى بيوتهم.
ذلك كله حدث والعالم العربي يخيم عليه سكون مفجع، فلا إدانات رسمية علنية لإسرائيل ولا سحب للسفراء (كما فعلت بعض دول أمريكا اللاتينية) ولا مجتمع مدنيا تحرك ولا مظاهرات خرجت، ولا مساعدات إغاثية قدمت إلا في حالات استثنائية. وفى حين استمر هدم الأنفاق لإحكام الحصار حول القطاع، فإن الخروج من القطاع حتى للعلاج بات أمرا صعبا للغاية. وخاضعا لشروط قاسية جعلت علاج المصابين استثناء وليس قاعدة.
وفي حين صدم كثيرون فى العالم الخارجي، لصور القتلى والمشوهين والثكالى من الفلسطينيين والخراب المخيم الذي حول الأبراج وبعض الأحياء إلى أطلال وأنقاض، فإن رد الفعل فى العالم العربي كان مخزيا ومخيبا للآمال. سواء على صعيد الأنظمة أو النخب أو منابر الإعلام المكتوب منه والمرئي. وفي وقت سابق أبديت دهشتي مما بدا أنه حياد فى الصراع من جانب بعض الأنظمة العربية. ولكن الواقع تجاوز ذلك الحياد في وقت لاحق، بحيث صدمنا وأذهلنا أننا صرنا بإزاء انحياز ضد الفلسطينيين وتأييد علني أو ضمني لإسرائيل في مواجهة المقاومة فى القطاع. وهو ما عبرت عنه بعض وسائل الإعلام بصور شتى.
صحيح أن هذا الذي تكشف لنا مؤخرا سمعنا بأمره من قبل، من خلال الشائعات والهمسات واللغط الذي كان يثار بين الحين والآخر، ولكن ذلك كله كان يتداول في السر ويتناقل من خلال الهمس، الأمر الذى كان يصنفه ضمن الشكوك والهواجس. إلا أن الأمر اختلف تماما هذه المرة. بحيث أن ما كان يتم في السر ويحاط بدرجات متفاوتة من عمليات التمويه وأستار الإنكار، أصبح يمارس الآن في العلن وبجرأة تقرع الأذن وتخدش الأبصار وتصدم الضمائر.
هذا الذي أقوله عرضت شواهده بالتفصيل صحيفة نيويورك تايمز التى نشرت في عدد 30/7 تقريرا عن المشهد العربي الراهن كتبه مراسل الصحيفة في القاهرة دافيد كيركباتريك. كان عنوانه كالتالي: الزعماء العرب يلتزمون الصمت ويعتبرون حماس أخطر من إسرائيل.
وقد خص بالذكر في تقريره أربع دول عربية هى مصر والسعودية والإمارات والأردن. ومما قاله إن ذلك الاصطفاف العربي إلى جانب إسرائيل يحدث لأول مرة في تاريخ الصراع.
ودلل على ذلك بقوله إن العاهل السعودي الملك عبد الله بن عبد العزيز أجرى اتصالات هاتفيا مع الرئيس المصري في اليوم التالي لبدء الحملة الإسرائيلية على غزة. وطبقا لما نقل على لسان المتحدث باسم الرئاسة المصرية فإن العاهل السعودي لم يوجه أي لوم لإسرائيل ولكنه تحدث فقط عن ضرورة إنقاذ حياة الضحايا المدنيين الذين يدفعون ثمن الصراع، دون تمييز بين الفلسطينيين الذين ظل يسقط منهم أكثر من مئة مدني شهيدا في بداية الحملة (عددهم الآن أكثر من 1400) في حين لم يصب أحد من المدنيين الإسرائيليين بسوء فى الأيام الأولى. 
لا وجه للمقارنة بين هذا المشهد وبين موقف رئيس بوليفيا ايفو موراليس، بين موقف الزعماء العرب وأنظارهم في أمريكا اللاتينية. ولا وجه للمقارنة بين موقف المفوضية السامية لحقوق الإنسان التابعة للأمم المتحدة وبين موقف الجامعة العربية العاجز الذي بدا أنه انعكاس لمواقف الزعماء العرب المخجلة. بحيث إننا ما عدنا نعرف بالضبط من الذي ينتمى إلى الأمة العربية ويغار على حقوقها من الذي يقف فى صف أعدائها.
من المفارقات أن دول أمريكا اللاتينية التى أعلنت احتجاجها فى وجه إسرائيل فأدانتها وقاطعتها يقودها يساريون في حين أن أغلب قوى اليسار في العالم العربي صارت جزءا من التحالفات المضادة للفلسطينيين وللربيع العربي، حتى إن صحيفة «الأهالي» المعبرة عن حزب التجمع فى مصر نشرت في عدد 23/7 مقالة لأحد الكتاب اعتبر أن تأييد المقاومة خيانة وطنية! الأمر الذى بدا تعبيرا فاضحا عن موقف غلاة اليمين، وصدى للمتغيرات المشينة والمفجعة التى طرأت على خرائط السياسة فى العالم العربي. حتى وجدنا أن نخب أمريكا اللاتينية باتت أقرب إلينا من بعض إخواننا الذين يفترض أنهم «أشقاؤنا». وأن الرئيس موراليس أكثر تعاطفا مع الشعب الفلسطينى من بعض قادتنا.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Did Israeli army deliberately kill its own captured soldier and destroy Gaza ceasefire?


Injured Palestinian children at al-Najar hospital in Rafah, southern Gaza, following an Israeli military strike on 1 August.
 (Eyad Al Baba / APA images)
Friday turned into yet another day of horror for Palestinians in Gaza, as Israel committed massacres and atrocities claiming the lives of at least 100 people.
It wasn’t supposed to be that way. Friday was meant to be the first day of a three-day “humanitarian ceasefire” announced on Thursday evening by the United Nations and the United States.
The short-lived ceasefire was scheduled to begin at 8am local time on Friday morning.
Predictably, the United States has blamed Hamas for violating the ceasefire by killing two Israeli soldiers and capturing a third, whom Israel named as Hadar Goldin.
Hamas and its military wing the Qassam Brigades deny any knowledge of the missing soldier.
Who really broke the ceasefire? And why did Israeli forces shell Rafah so indiscriminately on Friday, slaughtering dozens of people?
Could it have been in order to kill the captured soldier in order avoid him becoming a valuable bargaining chip in the hands of the Palestinian resistance?
Israel has long had a murky procedure called the Hannibal Directive that some interpret as an order to do whatever it takes to prevent a soldier’s capture, even if it means killing him in the process.

What happened? Israel’s version

Here’s Israel’s version, as reported in Ynet:
According to an announcement by the IDF [Israeli army], at 9:30 am Friday, terrorists opened fire at IDF forces in southern Gaza. Initial information from the scene indicated that there is a chance that an IDF soldiers [sic] was kidnapped [sic] during the incident.
Israel claims that the soldiers were working to destroy a resistance tunnel and that such “defensive” activities were permitted by the ceasefire agreement.
What Israel does not dispute is that its occupation forces were carrying out operations in the Gaza Strip.

What happened? Hamas’ version

Hamas strongly disputes the Israeli timeline, and accuses Israel of violating the ceasefire.
In a military communiqué published on its website on Friday, Qassam stated:
After its blatant aggression and violation of the ceasefire, the enemy [Israel] began to spread the lie that the resistance violated the truce. We confirm that over the past twenty days no Zionist soldier had any presence in the eastern area of Rafah. After the announcement that a ceasefire agreement had been reached, the enemy began to move in that area and at precisely 2am made an incursion 2.5 kms east of Rafah. This leaves no room for doubt about the enemy’s intention to violate the truce and infringe on our territory and our defenseless people. Faced with this Zionist advance, at precisely 7am our fighters engaged with the invading forces and caused a large number of deaths and injuries in their ranks.
In a statement early on Saturday morning, Qassam explains how it understood the ceasefire:
We notified the mediators that took part in arranging the humanitarian ceasefire that we agree to a ceasefire with regard to the sites that we target in Zionist cities and towns, but from an operational standpoint we cannot cease firing toward forces that have entered the [Gaza] Strip and are operating and moving constantly. This means that it is possible for any invading force to encounter one of our units and this could lead to clashes.
From Qassam’s perspective, a clash between armed combatants should not have led to a total breakdown of the humanitarian ceasefire.
So according to Qassam, the operation against the Israeli soldiers was defensive in nature and occurred an hour before the 8:00 am start of the ceasefire.

Time difference

There is a two and a half hour gap between Israel’s version and Hamas’ version which cannot be resolved with the information currently available.
But a more important question, especially if we take Israel’s account at face value, is when and why Israel started its intense shelling east of Rafah.
Rageh Omaar, the long-time BBC correspondent who is now in Gaza as the international affairs editor for the UK’s ITV News, actually traveled to southern Gaza on Friday and filed a report on the horrifying aftermath of earlier Israeli massacres in and around Khan Younis.
But an interesting observation comes from this tweet:

on Twitter

If Omaar is right, this would mean that Israel was already heavily shelling in the Rafah area by around 9am, since the ceasefire was supposed to begin at 8am.
And if the artillery barrages followed the killing and alleged capture of Israeli soldiers by Qassam it would also mean that the incident could have occurred before 9:30am.
At 06:44 UTC, 9:44 am Gaza time, local news agency Alray tweeted in Arabic:
“Breaking | Our correspondent: Recovery of the two bodies of Hilal Eid Abu Imran, age 23, and Moussa Hamdi Abu Imran from under the rubble of their destroyed house east of Rafah.”

on Twitter

Both men were later named by medical officials as among around 60 people killed in Israel’s artillery barrage.
Given that this tweet was made at 9:44am, the shelling itself must have occurred earlier, with enough time for medics to reach the shelled house, to remove and identify the bodies and for their names to be reported.
Around 10am many more reports started to come in of mass casualties from “indiscriminate shelling” on George Street, east of Rafah.
If the shelling indeed began between 9 and 10am, it would mean that Israel launched a massive and indiscriminate barrage at just about the time it says its soldier was captured.
This makes no sense if Israeli forces wanted to ensure the captured soldier’s safety. After all, he could be killed along with his captors.
And that is exactly what Qassam thinks happened.

What about the soldier?

Qassam did not comment for the whole of Friday on Israel’s assertion that one of its soldiers was captured.
Early on Saturday it issued a new military communiqué condemning the “ongoing horrifying massacre of civilians in Rafah” and reaffirming its earlier version and timeline of events.
But it has these important additions:
We lost contact with the group of fighters that were stationed at that location and we believe that all members of the unit were martyred and the soldier the enemy says went missing was killed in the Zionist shelling, assuming that the fighters did capture him during the confrontation.
We in Qassam have no knowledge up to this moment about the missing soldier, nor his whereabouts nor the circumstances of his disappearance.
It is reasonable to assume that Qassam has no motive to be deceptive about this; a captured Israeli soldier is a valuable asset. If they had him they would either boast about it or keep quiet and perhaps seek to trade information about him for concessions from Israel.

Did Israel do it deliberately?

If the Israeli soldier was killed, it is possible that it was unintentional “friendly fire.”
But again, forces that were intent on protecting and rescuing a missing soldier would be foolhardy to launch massive air raids or barrages of artillery fire in the area where he was captured.
This leaves open the question of whether Israeli forces intended to kill the missing soldier.

The Hannibal Directive

The “Hannibal Directive” captured the Israeli imagination in the mid-1980s, when ongoing incursions and occupation in Lebanon, following the 1982 invasion, confronted the Israeli army with opportunities to experience capture.
Popular understanding of this directive is phrased as “a dead soldier is better than a kidnapped [sic] one” – which was taken to mean that it would be better to kill a captured prisoner of war than have him remain alive.
The political cost to Israeli leaders from a live captured soldier could be seen during the five years Gilad Shalit’s family campaigned for Israel to secure his release and the high price many Israelis felt had to be paid: an exchange for more than one thousand Palestinian prisoners.
Evolving from an order never committed to paper, the directive is ascribed to military leaders Yossi Peled, Gabi Ashkenazi and Yaakov Amidror in 1986.
Military censorship strove to keep it hidden, and chief military ethicist Asa Kasher acted to phrase it in writing, so as to avoid its blatant illegality.
Kasher attempted this clarification again this week, saying:
The order has parallel phrasings, for some reason, but the principle shared by them all, as expressed in one of those: ‘action must be taken, inasmuch as possible, to halt the kidnapping [sic] operation, including deploying live fire, but not in a way that could lead with high likelihood to the death of the kidnapped [sic] person, through the understanding that the value of the kidnapped [sic] person is higher than that of the kidnapping [sic].
Recurring denials such as Kasher’s combine with extensive discussion of the directivefrom a rabbinical point of view, and reports in the popular press, including following “Operation Cast Lead,” Israel’s 2008-2009 Gaza invasion, about the bombing of a Gaza home where the body of a soldier was being held.
It is clear that the spirit of the directive lives on, even if there are orders in writing that prohibit it.

“Hannibal! Hannibal!”

There was much discussion on Twitter about this being the reason for the shelling of Rafah on Friday morning, including in reports from Ynet’s military reporter Attila Somfalvi, that the words “Hannibal! Hannibal!” were shouted over military communication systems.

on Twitter

Journalist Haim Har-Zahav reminisced that it took 50 minutes before the directive was put into practice on the Lebanon border, in 2006 and almost an hour in 1991, but that his own brigade took only a few minutes.
Sports commentator Ouriel Daskal stated outright: “what I deduce from what’s happening in Rafah is that there’s an implementation of the Hannibal Directive. Let’s hope not.”
Moreover, blogger Richard Silverstein reported a few days ago that another soldier was killed in Gaza under the directive.
Israeli investigative journalist Ronen Bergman confirmed in a radio interview that in Gaza the procedure “was tested in practice and apparently the soldiers acted in accordance with that directive.”
Israel has also declared Oron Shaul, a missing soldier whom Qassam does say it captured, to be dead.
Obviously, Israel is not going to come clean about such a practice.
But these indications, combined with the fact that Israel bombed Rafah so viciously make it a reasonable hypothesis that someone giving orders on Friday morning wanted the soldier dead rather than captured.
If that is the case, then it is Israel that destroyed the humanitarian ceasefire, in the process murdering dozens more innocent people and pushing the death toll from the ongoing massacre in Gaza to more than 1,600 people.
With thanks to Dena Shunra for extensive research and Hebrew translation related to the Hannibal Directive.

Hezbollah man dies on 'jihad duty' in Iraq

Commander from Lebanon's Bekaa Valley killed in battle near Mosul, which Islamic State group captured in June.

Ibrahim al-Hajj's son clings to his father's coffin. Hajj was killed in a battle near Mosul, sources say [Al Jazeera]
A Hezbollah commander has been killed on "jihad duty" in Iraq, the group's TV channel has said, indicating the Lebanese group that is already fighting in Syria's civil war may be involved in a second front in the region.
Sources in Lebanon told the Reuters news agency on Thursday that the Hezbollah commander Ibrahim al-Hajj was killed in a battle in Tal Afar near Mosul, a city in northern Iraq seized last month by the Islamic State group.
Hajj, described as a technical trainer, was buried in the village of Qilya in the Bekaa Valley on Wednesday, a Hezbollah official told Al Jazeera's Beirut bureau. Pictures and videos posted on social media showed the funeral procession.
Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV referred to Hajj as "commander", saying he died while "performing his jihadi duties".
Ibrahim al-Hajj
Al Jazeera's Beirut desk said that Hajj's coffin was accompanied by another when it arrived at Beirut international airport on Tuesday. The identity of the other body is unknown.
In July 2006, Hajj was part of a group of Hezbollah fighters who crossed into Israel, captured two Israeli soldiers and brought them into Lebanon, Lebanese security officials told the AP news agency.
Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed Shia group, had previously said that its advisers were offering guidance to Shia fighters in the Iraq conflict, which escalated last month when the Islamic State group seized swaths of territory from the Shia-led government in Baghdad.
A Hezbollah commander who had fought in border areas with Syria told the National newspaper in United Arab Emirates that his brother-in-law was one of those sent last month to Baghdad and Samarra to monitor the Islamic State’s movements.
"We have had a presence there for a long time, of course, but it’s increasing for obvious reasons," said the commander.
Hezbollah's deployment in Syria has helped President Bashar al-Assad's government strengthen its hold on power by re-establishing control over a strategic corridor of territory stretching north from Damascus.
The group says it is fighting in Syria against the threat posed by Sunni rebels.
Assad is an ally of Iran and a member of the Alawite offshoot of the Shia sect. Tehran also has longstanding ties to Shia politicians in Iraq.
Hezbollah was founded with Iranian help in the early 1980s and fought to drive out Israeli forces that occupied southern Lebanon until 2000.

Azmi Bishara Speaks Today On Al-Jazeera

اليوم الساعة العاشرة مساء بتوقيت القدس على قناة الجزيرة، سوف يتحدث عزمي بشارة عن الحرب على غزة والهدنة وخرقها، وعما يجري في اسرائيل والعالم العربي بخصوص العدوان

Time: 7:00 pm, GMT 

Real News Video: Israeli Forces Target UN School Shelter, Children and Hospitals

Pernille Ironside: The Chief of the UNICEF Field Office in Gaza describes the growing death toll and the rising humanitarian crisis 

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Urgent call to action: Tell Egypt to end Gaza siege, refuse complicity in Israeli genocide


Egypt must open the Rafah crossing. (Eyad Al Baba / APA images)
Civil society organizations and public figures are calling on the world to demand the opening of the Rafah crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.
The signatories to the following urgent call to action include former Robben Island inmate, anti-apartheid icon, and African National Congress (ANC) leader Ahmed Kathrada, former ANC government minister and freedom fighter Ronnie Kasrils, and former vice president of the European Parliament Luisa Morgantini.
They join dozens of Palestinian and international civil society and solidarity organizations in calling on you to “go to your local Egyptian Embassy or consulate and demand the Egyptian government open Rafah crossing immediately and end its complicity with Israel’s genocide of the people of Gaza.
The full text and list of endorsers of the call to action is included below. For more information email

Urgent call to action

In response to calls from our fellow human beings and comrades in Gaza who ask that we bring an end to the Egyptian government’s complicity in Israel’s genocide of the people of Gaza:
To all of you who understand the interconnectedness of our many human struggles for justice and dignity, we implore you to act in solidarity with Palestine as Gaza burns and bleeds, gathers and buries the lifeless bodies of her children, and contends with carnage, despair, and loss for which there is no language.
More than 1.8 million human beings have been under a suffocating, deadly siege imposed by Israel and accommodated by the Egyptian government, that severely restricts all movement of people and products.
It is creating in Gaza what has been described as the biggest open air prison in the world, subject to frequent Israeli attacks and used as a laboratory to test and market new Israeli weapons.
The average age in Gaza is 17 years, with half the people under the age of 16. This is a defenseless civilian population, densely packed into this besieged enclave with no place to run or take refuge from Israel’s full-on military onslaught.
The cynical claims that Palestinians are forcing Israel to kill their children lack the basic requirements of logic and minimal vestiges of humanity. No one is forcing Israel to commit genocide or to target infrastructure like hospitals, schools, and the only power plant in Gaza.
Purposefully, of their own volition, Israelis are using the most sophisticated death machines against civilians: children, families, medical facilities and aid workers. Meanwhile Israel maintains a violent and brutal aerial, land and sea siege on Gaza, continuous since 2006.
Despite a call from Egyptian citizens to lift the siege, the Egyptian government which controls one border and has the option to be part of a humanitarian response to the besieged people of Gaza, has instead supported the Israeli plan for return to the status quo of slow genocide.
Many people in Gaza are desperate to avoid slow death by savage siege, hunger and lack of medical care and demand to live like normal human beings, but feel the only option Israel gives them is to die quickly by carpet bombings and wanton mass destruction which Israel now mercilessly executes.
Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry stated that the Rafah Crossing into Egypt is “open.” “We receive injured daily from Gaza, as we pass more than 600 tons of aid through.”
However, between the 10th and 27th of July, the Egyptian government has allowed an average of just nine wounded people a day to cross the border from Gaza to Egypt to receive medical treatment.
Several aid shipments of medical supplies, and even doctors, were denied entry. In light of the actual number of wounded in Gaza, at least 8,265 as of 31 July 2014, the Egyptian government’s allowance is condemnable.
Egypt must help their sisters and brothers in Gaza. The Egyptian government must refuse complicity in Israel’s genocide of a population they hold captive.
Here’s how you can help:
  • Go to your local Egyptian Embassy or consulate and demand the Egyptian government open Rafah crossing immediately and end its complicity with Israel’s genocide of the people of Gaza.
  • Flood embassy phone-lines/email with messages of protest. Write letters to print media holding Egypt complicit and similarly deluge radio/TV and Facebook etc.
  • Raise your concerns with your political representatives.
Please communicate your actions and the Embassy responses to us via email
Endorsed by:
  • Ahmed Kathrada, Former Robben Island inmate, Anti-Apartheid icon, ANC leader - South Africa
  • Mr. Ronnie Kasrils Former ANC Minister for Intelligence Services, South Africa
  • Luisa Morgantini Former Vice President of the European Parliament - Italy
  • Richard Falk Former United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967
  • Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) - South Africa
  • Mosireen - Egypt
  • Abu Dis Popular Committee - Palestine
  • Al Eizariya Popular Committee - Palestine
  • Alternative Information Center - Palestine
  • Alternative Tourism Group - Palestine
  • Al Walaja Popular Committee - Palestine
  • Al Mufakara Popular Committee - Palestine
  • Al Masara Popular Committee - Palestine
  • Assopacepalestina - Italy
  • At Tuwani Popular Committee - Palestine
  • Australians for Palestine - Australia
  • Badil - Palestine
  • BDS Catalunya - Catalunya
  • BDS Kampagne - Germany
  • BDS Los Angeles for Justice in Palestine - USA
  • BDS Madrid - Spain
  • BDS - Netherlands
  • BDS - South Africa
  • Bil’in Popular Committee - Palestine
  • Boycott Israel Network - UK
  • British Muslim Initiative - UK
  • Campagne BDS France - France
  • Complicitats que Maten - Catalunya
  • Diensten Onderzoek Centrum Palestina - Netherlands
  • European Jews for a Just Peace - Europe
  • Fourteen Friends of Palestine, Marin - USA
  • Freedom Flotilla Italia - Italy
  • Felagid Island - Palestina - Iceland
  • Global Peace and Justice Auckland (GPJA) - New Zealand
  • Holy Land Trust - Palestine
  • International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network - International
  • International League for Human Rights - Germany
  • Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign - Ireland
  • Irish Anti-War Movement - Ireland
  • IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation - Turkey
  • International Solidarity Movement Estado Espano - Spain
  • International Solidarity Movement - Palestine
  • Izquierda anticapitalista - Spain
  • Jews for Palestinian Right of Return - USA
  • Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost - Germany
  • Just Foreign Policy - US
  • Kenya Palestine Solidarity Committee - Kenya
  • Kufr Qaddum Popular Committee - Palestine
  • Labor for Palestine NY - USA
  • Lluita Internacionalista - Catalunya
  • Ni’lin Popular Committee - Palestine
  • Nabi Saleh Popular Committee - Palestine
  • Occupied Palestine and Syrian Golan Heights Advocacy Initiative
  • One Democratic State Group - England
  • Palestine Festival of Literature - Palestine
  • Palestine Forum in Britain - UK
  • Palestine Solidarity Alliance - South Africa
  • Palestine Solidarity Campaign - Scotland
  • Palestine Solidarity Campaign - South Africa
  • Palestinian-American Women’s Association of Southern California - USA
  • Palestinian Center for Rapprochement Between People - Palestine
  • Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign (Stop the Wall) - Palestine
  • Palestinian Union of Social Workers and Psychologists - Palestine
  • People for Peace, London - Canada
  • People for Peace London - Canada
  • The Ahmed Katharda foundation - South Africa
  • PFB - Friends of Al Aqsa - UK
  • Plataforma de Solidaridad con Palestina Madrid - Spain
  • Popular Struggle Coordination Committee - Palestine
  • Rumbo a Gaza - Spain
  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network - Canada
  • Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign - Scotland
  • Ship to Gaza - Norway
  • Ship to Gaza - Sweden
  • Social Democratic Party - Kenya
  • Students for Justice in Palestine at Brooklyn College - USA
  • Students for Justice in Palestine Auckland - New Zealand
  • Student Senate of Bethlehem University - Palestine
  • Susya Popular Committee - Palestine
  • Unite Union - Palestine
  • Youth Against Settlements - Palestine