Sunday, July 9, 2006

American Congressmen try to blame Palestinian-Christian exodus from Holy Land on Muslims. Christians hit back at absurd allegations.

Holy Land Christians blame Israel

July 3, 2006

On June 19, two young members of Congress received an extraordinary letter from Jerusalem. On behalf of Christian churches in the Holy Land, they were told a House resolution they were circulating blaming the Palestinian Authority for Christian decline there "is based on many false affirmations." The Very Rev. Michael H. Sellers, an Anglican priest who is coordinator of Jerusalem's Christian churches, said the real problem is the Israeli occupation -- especially its new security wall.

Seller's said, "Christian churches in the Holy Land can take care of any problems with Muslims and "are not seeking your interference in their internal problems." Where Congress could help, he added, was influencing Israeli government policy: "Your support for the Christian presence in the Holy Land will best be served by helping to remove the separation wall (which has converted all the Palestinian towns into big prisons for Christians and Muslims alike) and by helping to bring occupation to an end with all its inherent types of oppression and humiliation."

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