Saturday, July 29, 2006

Height of absurdity

Lawmakers form pro-Israel caucus : The U.S. caucus plans to join with the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and caucuses in other legislatures to “support Israel’s right to live in peace within safe and secure borders.” (They should ask the people that voted for them if this is what they voted for them to do.)

Antiwar Candidate Backs Israeli Strikes: Ned Lamont, a Greenwich, Conn., businessman who holds a slight lead in the polls over Lieberman, told the Forward that he supports Israel's current operations in Gaza and Lebanon, and that he disagreed with the European Union's declaration that criticized Israel's actions as a "disproportionate" response. (Proof that the Democrats (except for my man Pete Stark) are all pigs at the trough with no scruples or principles at all.)

Nancy Pelosi and Israel: This was written in May of 2005. I think it is a good reminder of how the Democrats are complicit in Israel's crimes.

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