Wednesday, July 12, 2006



Too Confused to Surrender
By Dennis Ross
Jerusalem Post, July 2, 2006

"From Palestinians I am speaking with—admittedly part of Fatah—the arrests of Hamas governmental and elected officials has had a shock effect on at least the internal Hamas. It is reeling right now. Many around Abbas believe that it is possible that a new government without Hamas in it will emerge out of this crisis. "

"For the near term, that argues for keeping them off balance and under pressure. Israel certainly should continue to weaken Hamas’s infrastructure. At the same time, Abbas should be encouraged to assume his role of responsibility for the well-being of the Palestinian public, emphasizing that Hamas and its external patrons, like the Syrians, must stop treating the Palestinian people as pawns and making them suffer. "

"For the longer term, there needs to be a strategy for altering the basic ground rules, and here Egypt and Jordan can play an important role. Collectively they need to work on Abbas to appoint an emergency government without Hamas or Fatah officials in it and to decide, finally, to create a professional security force that is led by a real commander who has his backing and blessing.
All the talk of restructuring never happened; a professional to run the force was never put in charge.
In current circumstances, Abbas—with Egyptian and Jordanian urging—might finally see that he has no choice but to act in this way. With international financing and backing, a new, professional security force could be constructed.
Even a force of 10,000 that acts professionally and is led by those who are committed to ensuring law and order would be sufficient—and the fact is that such a force could be constructed in time if Abbas acted decisively, picked the right leadership (read Dahlan) for it, entrusted them to fulfill this mandate and had the financing from the international community for it. "

"Interestingly, the Israeli defense establishment would also be supportive of such an initiative, seeing it as the only way to end chaos on the Palestinian side and to ensure that Hamas or al-Qaida don’t define the Palestinian future.
But one last element must also be put in place: In the aftermath of the crisis, a UN Security Council resolution should be adopted which declares that the Israeli occupation of Gaza is over and that all attacks and rocket fire out of Gaza against Israel must cease once and for all.
Israel left Gaza, and yet not for one day did the rocket fire into Israel cease. Without the Kassam rockets, there would not have been a train of events that produced the current crisis.
Even in terms of the Palestinian narrative, there is no conceivable justification for attacks out of Gaza once occupation had ended. If there is to be a more enduring basis for stability in Gaza when this crisis ends, the Security Council needs to adopt a resolution—much like it did after the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon—that delegitimizes all such attacks. And, assuming there is a new emergency Palestinian government without Hamas, the international community must also urgently provide a package of economic assistance to help this new government deliver. "

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Disgusting, but entirely to be expected from Ross. It always irritates me when I see him pontificating on TV news programmes, esp. as they rarely point out that "Ambassador" Ross is in fact a paid propagandist for an Israeli lobby group.

    And don't you just love the bit about picking the 'right leadership'. Could you imagine any Palestinian group being taken seriously if they told Israelis what leadership to 'pick'?
