Saturday, July 22, 2006

Irreligious Questions To Ayatollah Sistani

Sistani had issued the following announcement concerning the onslaught on Lebanon on July 16, 2006, calling upon "The world community needs to move on to stop the continuation of this flagrant aggression". There is not a single mention of the United States of America.
The following are a few questions that might be posed to him (as he is an authority to respond):
- Who is supporting Israeli to the hilt militarily, financially, diplomatically and politically?
- Who is claiming that what is happening to Lebanon are merely "birth pangs of a new Middle East" and that "Israel should ignore calls for a ceasefire"?
- Who is rushing a delivery of precision-guided bombs to Israel in order to swiftly replenish those American munitions that were dropped by Israel on the heads of Lebanese civilians, villages and cities?
- Who initiated, encouraged and promoted the original death squads in Iraq?
- Who has forcefully wedged religious strife into the Iraqi society that is leading to the death of thousands of Iraqis every month as a consequence of it?
- Who issued an edict in March 2003 exhorting the faithful "not to fight the American occupiers" and has not, till now, rescinded it? (It should be noted that all edicts, and only those issued after the occupation, are posted on the site)
- What will be the position of his eminence in the event that the conflict does expand to include an Israeli/American attack on Iran itself, as the neoconservatives and the Israeli government have been clamoring for? What will be the position of his eminence's religious/political parties? Will they defend those that are protecting them in the 'Green Zone' or scramble to assist their political mentors in Tehran?
These humble questions were posted to the page where his eminence is hoped to answer them. They were posted under the section of "abortion".

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