Thursday, July 13, 2006

Isarelis target "terrorists" in Lebanon

My friends and family are going to tell me that this picture is morbid. It is. People should see what their tax dollars are paying for.

Lebanese citizens carry the body of a young girl who was killed after Israeli forces targeted a house in the village of Dweir near Nabatiyeh, southern Lebanon, Thursday, July 13, 2006. Israeli forces intensified their attacks in Lebanon Thursday, with airstrikes that blasted the country's only international airport and the Hezbollah TV station in what was Israel's heaviest air campaign against Lebanon for 24 years. The Israeli attacks in south Lebanon alone killed 26 civilians and wounded dozens more. A family of 10 and another family of seven were killed in their homes in the village of Dweir, the officials said. (AP Photo/Samer Wehbi)

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