Sunday, July 30, 2006

Israel's Latest Invasions and Neocon Plans for the Middle East

Cowboys Still in the Saddle


"But no! The Israelis through their heroic actions will force the president's hand. They will provoke actions that will serve as pretexts for the planned regime changes. A New Middle East---no, New Greater Middle East, a contiguous string of Israel-friendly U.S. client-states from the Mediterranean to Central Asia---will be George W. Bush's legacy. This surely must be the expectation in the Vice President's office, and in that curious office set up last March called the "Office of Iranian Affairs." Laura Rozen of the Los Angeles Times points out that this is a reincarnation of the Office of Special Plans under Douglas Feith that stove-piped the cherry-picked intelligence rejected by the CIA to the Oval Office as well as the press."

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