Sunday, July 9, 2006

Mohammad before being attacked by the IOF

Mohammad after being attacked by the IOF

Mohammad Az Zanoun and the Spirit of Nonviolent Resistance

EI was saddened to learn this morning of the serious injury of 20-year-old Ma'an photographer Mohammad Az Zanoun in Gaza. A new employee of Ma'an, Mohammad has been taking some incredible photographs of the Israeli invasion.

When he continued to work, Israeli soldiers aimed at him directly, and shot him in the stomach. Eyewitnesses reported that he fell to the ground shouting "Where is the camera? There are many photos in it which are witness to the killing of Palestinians; there are many photos of the Palestinians who have been killed."


  1. This is like the Nazis moving inmates out of Auscwitz and destroying records so no one would find out what really happened

  2. what a powerful story...i posted it on my blogg......keep up the great work tony......mark
