Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Nassrullah and Peres: The War Was Supposed to Be October Surprise, and to Weaken Iran

By Hassan El-Najjar

"Yesterday, both Hizbullah leader, Shaikh Hassan Nassrullah, and Israeli Deputy Prime Minister, Shimon Peres, spoke about the real agenda of the Israeli war on Lebanon.
Nassrullah spoke through Al-Manar TV, which was also simultaneously aired by several other TV stations. He said that his information now is that the ongoing Israeli war on Lebanon was initially planned to start in September or October, using any excuse to start it at that time.

Anyway, Peres said that the real reason behind attacking Hamas in Palestine and Hizbullah in Lebanon is weakening Iran to force it to come to the negotiation table.

So, for Israel, the war on Lebanon is to weaken Iran by convincing it that its allies are broken and will not be able to help it retaliate in case of a US-Israeli attack on its nuclear installations.

In other words, The Israeli war on Hizbullah is the first stage in the war on Iran. The second stage will be neutralizing Syria by promises of peace with Israel and Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Golan Heights. If Syria doesn't buy the trick and insists on substance, then it will be the second target.
For the Bush administration, the September/October planned war would have been a fatal blow to Democrats who are poised to win a majority in Congress due to the rising anger of the American people against the Bush war policies, particularly his unwarranted war and failure in Iraq.
So, the planned Israeli war on Hizbullah was supposed to serve as the Bush October surprise to paralyze American voters and force them to vote for Republicans, who asserted themselves so far as the WAR PARTY.
Indeed, without knowing it, Hizbullah has done the American people a great service by thwarting the Bush October surprise. "

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