Monday, July 10, 2006

News from Palestine

4 Children Killed By Israeli Occupation Forces

'Apartheid Israel' worse than apartheid SA

A Different Kind of Ballgame in Gaza Strip

Intervention to Member States of the UN Two Years after the ICJ Advisory Opinion

Army renews orders to close 1000 shops and businesses in the old city of Hebron

Israeli Army in Hebron Violates Israeli High Court Order - Again

UN warns of Gazans' struggle to survive

IDF strike kills 3 Gaza teens

The Wahbas' last meal

Army bulldozes Palestinan farm land east of Gaza

The Israeli Army hijack two civilian's cars from checkpoints near Jenin

Hamas-led government says U.S. veto won't solve crisis

Family barbecue in Gaza ended in tragedy

After 30 years, wife loses right to enter Israel

UN warns of Gazans' struggle to survive

Israeli attack kills child and parents

No longer afraid, Gazans shout back

One side of the picture

Author Mario Vargas Llosa: I'm ashamed to be Israel's friend

Report: Israeli settler violence against Palestinians on the rise

Channelling the resistance - By Azmi Bishara

Health catastrophe looms in Palestine

Elderly man dies at border crossing; thousands of Palestinians stranded on Egyptian side

New UNRWA chief says living conditions in Gaza 'at a new low'

Israel rejects Palestinian ceasefire call

Netanya: Arab youth shot; nationalistic motives probed

Israel kills six year old girl, her mother and brother

War crimes : Israel's offensive against peace

Haniyeh proposes ceasefire; Israelis say they aren't interested

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:16 AM


    It's all sadly reminiscent of Israel's 1982 siege of West Beirut. After having been exposed in their lies about cutting off the water and electricity to the city, the Israelis turned around and said "Oh, nobody is dying yet".

    And then they act like humanitarian heroes for 'allowing' some of 'their' power to be diverted to Gaza. What can one say?
