Sunday, July 23, 2006


By Tony Sayegh

Every time the U.S. wanted the puppet Arab governments to line up, and openly, behind its policies of using overwhelming force against an Arab country, it conducted a dog and pony PR show that used the Palestinians. The idea is for the U.S. to appear as an "honest broker" who supposedly understands that the Palestinian issue is at the heart of all the problems and the wars in the M.E.

This happened in 1990-1991 when Bush Senior was preparing to attack Iraq. He put together a "coalition" that involved most of the Arab regimes, including Syria. A precedent was set when the useless Arab League legitimized the use of foreign troops (U.S.) against an Arab country. Even Syrian troops and pilots, under U.S. command, took part in attacking Iraqi forces. Bush Senior dangled a mirage of a carrot to the house Arabs: in return for their obedience to the U.S. and support (including underwriting the entire cost of the invasion) Bush solemnly pledged that he would push Israel to withdraw from occupied Palestinian land and agree to establish a Palestinian state. The U.S. got what it wanted and the Palestinians were taken for a ride.

The second time this charade was repeated was when Bush Junior wanted to invade Iraq for the second time. Again, he told his house Arabs that the solution of the Palestinian problem required deposing Saddam Hussein. Bush pledged to the Arab puppets that in return for their support in such a noble endeavor, he would push for establishing a viable Palestinian state by the year 2005. Bush even sent his poodle, Blair, to Palestine to reassure the Palestinians that this time the English and the Americans really meant it. Blair even addressed the Palestinian Legislative Council, and some foolish Palestinian politicians bought this lie.

Guess what? A new and historically unprecedented alliance of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt together with Usrael is being unveiled, in preparation for the "birth of a new M.E." The Princess of Darkness herself will be in the region today to midwife such a birth. It must be time to fool the Palestinians, yet one more time. Sure enough, in her very busy schedule the Vampire does not have time to discuss a cease fire in Lebanon, but she will have time to go to Ramallah to hold the hand of the traitor Abbas and to "solemnly" declare that this time, the U.S. really means it. She will declare that under U.S. pressure the new man of peace Olmert has agreed to restart "negotiations" towards establishing a "Palestinian State." Abbas will turn to the Palestinians and declare, "I told you so!"

As long as there are Palestinian fools who can be fooled once, twice, thrice and any number of times this will go on.

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