Monday, July 24, 2006

Why Israel is Destroying Lebanon

By Patrick Seale

"Terrorism is usually defined as the indiscriminate killing of civilians in pursuit of political goals. Is this not what Israel is doing in both Lebanon and Gaza? It is killing large numbers of Lebanese and Palestinian civilians in pursuit of its political aim of annihilating Hizbollah and Hamas. By any objective standard, Israel is guilty of state terrorism. But killing Arabs in this wanton manner and smashing their countries must inevitably have negative consequences for Israel’s own security. Israel’s terrorist behavior legitimizes the terrorism of its enemies. And America’s uncritical support for Israel legitimizes terrorism against the United States itself. That is what 9/11 was all about, although to this day the United States has not faced up to why it was attacked. The United States and Israel are sowing the wind and will reap the whirlwind. Washington’s unconditional backing for Israel highlights the fact that this is not simply a war between Israel and Hizbollah. By seeking to bomb Lebanon into submission, Israel intends to strike a blow at the Iran-Syria-Hizbollah axis, which has challenged US-Israeli dominance in the region. The key issue is whose will is to prevail in this vital part of the world. "

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