Tuesday, August 8, 2006

American versions of Uday played golf before gang rape

"US soldiers, accused of raping and murdering a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, drank alcohol and hit golf balls before the attack. One of them grilled chicken wings afterwards, a criminal investigator told a US military hearing yesterday." Continued.

OK, everyone knows that there are sick and deranged people all over the world and that it has nothing to do with ethnicity, religion, etc., right?

OK. That being said, I wonder what the percentage of lunatics in the U.S. who think gang rape, murder and human pyro tricks are "cool" considering that between 4-5 guys took part in this atrocity. I mean is it just a wacky coincidence that 4-5 guys who think gang rape, murder and setting bodies on fire is fun happened to be manning the same checkpoint at the same time? Or, is the percentage of sick Americans just higher?

I've been sitting around with my friends and asked to do crazy things plenty'o times--but never anything like this. Never.

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