Monday, August 28, 2006

For Israel's Security?


Houla, Lebanon.

"Throughout South Lebanon, there are thousands of destroyed homes and buildings, and tens- of-thousands of homeless. Some towns, like Bint Jbeil and Khiam, are more rubble than anything else. Traveling through South Lebanon today, I am reminded so much of Palestine, of Nablus and Jenin and Gaza.

For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess functioning towns or secure homes.

For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess secure access to potable water.

For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess electricity.

For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess beaches.

For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess open borders, or engage in free trade with the world.

For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess modern roads.

For Israel's security, Arabs must not possess privacy.

Living in Lebanon today, I am left with a single, unanswered question. It's a terribly important question. It is a vitally important question.

The United States speaks for Israel's security from all we Islamo-Facist terrorist Arabs living throughout the Middle East. The United Nations Interim Force speaks for Israel's security here in Lebanon. During the war, Hosni Mubarak, the dictator of Egypt, spoke for Israel's security. During the war, King Abdullah, the dictator of Jordan, spoke for Israel's security. In Marjayoun, a mostly Christian village in South Lebanon, the Lebanese Army even offered the Israelis tea when they invaded.

For the West, and for all its pet Arab dictators, this is the proper moral response to Israeli terror. We Arabs must not only accept all of the bombs and the blockades. We must not only accept the destruction of our homes and dreams. We must, in fact, rejoice in our own devastation. This is, after all, the joyous "birth-pangs of a new Middle East." "

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