Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Hamas: Arab stand towards Lebanon dull, more courageous action is needed

Occupied Jerusalem - Hamas Movement has expressed absolute disappointment over the Arab countries' stand towards the "bleeding Lebanon", and described it as "weak and dull".

In a statement it issued Tuesday and a copy of which was obtained by the PIC, Hamas stressed the "oneness of the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples' fate, stand, and future in confronting the Nazi-like Zionist terrorism against them".

"Despite the destruction inflicted on Lebanon, and despite the continuous IOF troops' massacres that spare no infant, woman, sick, or elderly people that target the Lebanese people on daily basis under the watching eyes of the world, Lebanon got no more than a mere meeting of Arab foreign ministers and one month after all those lethal wounds", the statement added.

The statement described the Arab session in Beirut as a "very late step" and out of the context of the genuine Arab solidarity as mandated by the Arab League charter.

However, it added, the meeting produced no more than mere theoretical stands at a time Lebanon is in bad need of more courageous Arab actions to stop the Israeli destruction machine once and for all.

The Movement also flayed the draft resolution worded by France and the USA, charging that it lacks the minimum of honesty and neutrality basis and answers the Israeli demands and ambitions in order to get the Hebrew state out of the Lebanese "marsh", and to give it political gains it failed to achieve militarily.

The statement, furthermore, urged France not to follow the footsteps of the USA in inclining towards Israel against the Arabs, adding that such a stand could jeopardize the French credibility in the Arab world as an "honest player".

Moreover, the statement expressed the Palestinian peoples and factions' full support for the Lebanese people and resistance against the ferocious Israeli aggressions, adding that the heroic resistance in Palestine and Lebanon has stalled the American-Israeli project of subjugating the region.

In conclusion, the statement urged Arab and Muslim peoples not to be content with emotional stands towards the slaughtered Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, but to take more effective steps in pressuring their regimes to practically support the two bleeding Arab countries so as to restore the high status and glory of the Arab and Muslim Ummah on this planet.

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