Saturday, August 12, 2006

Israeli Army Causes Two Serious Head Injuries to Protestors in Bil’in

To view a video of the initial violence of the Israeli military and shooting of Lymar click here. Higher quality for broadcast is also available from the ISM media office.

Today, August 11, the Israeli army and Border Police brutally prevented Bil’in’s weekly non-violent demonstration, by firing rubber bullets and sound grenades on protestors as they marched through the village on their way to the Apartheid wall. Fourteen people from Bil’in, Israelis and internationals, have been injured, including an Israeli, Lymar, in critical condition who was shot on neck and just above his right ear with 3 rubber bullets at close range. He has had surgery at Tel Hashomer hospital to remove a rubber bullet that was lodged in his skull. Currently he is in a medical induced coma in moderate but stable condition, but has sustained brain damaged of unknown severity. Continued.

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