Sunday, August 20, 2006


Arab Foreign ministers gather in Egypt

"Worried that the 34-day war between Hezbollah and Israel has given a boost to radical militants and their Syrian and Iranian backers, Arab ministers were expected to review a plan to channel funds to Lebanon and to revive the stalled Middle East peace process with Israel.

Diplomats said Arabs want to counter a flood of money that is believed to be coming from Iran to Hezbollah to finance reconstruction projects. An estimated 15,000 apartments were destroyed and 140 bridges hit by Israeli bombardment in Lebanon, along with power and desalination plants and other key infrastructure."

These pathetic losers run from one meeting to the next trying to prove that, since they meet, hence they exist. At the beginning of the Israeli attack on Lebanon, the same group of useless ministers met in Cairo. Unable to come up with anything, not even symbolic, in support of Lebanon, their closing press conference turned into an attempt to quiet the angry reporters who bombarded them with heated questions and demanded some action. The head of the so-called Arab League, Amr Mousa, could only say, "The peace process is dead!" Now the "peace process" is being resurrected from the grave. These Arab ministers can work miracles indeed.

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