Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Meanwhile in Iraq

Iraq: At least 77 killed as bloody U.S. occupation continues: A blast in the Shurja market left 24 dead and 35 wounded Wednesday and came just two hours after rebels targeted an Iraqi army recruitment centre in the Shiite town of Hilla, south of Baghdad, killing 12 volunteers and wounding 38.

Iraqi minister says gunmen executed 13 soldiers: The 12-hour gun battle on Monday was among the bloodiest between Iraqi government forces and Shiite militiamen. The Defence Ministry had said 20 of its soldiers were killed.

Five more US soldiers die in Iraq: The US military announced the deaths of five US soldiers on Tuesday, bringing to 13 the number of troops that have died over the past three days.

Congressmember Murtha: " Disappointed" by Hillary Clinton's Refusal to Endorse Troop Withdrawal Plan: Democracy Now! interviews Congressmember John Murtha (D - PA) about his position on the Iraq war, the Haditha massacre and Sen. Hillary Clinton's refusal to endorse his troop withdrawal plan.

Iraqi minister cancels truce with Shiite militia: Iraq's defence minister has declared the army's truce with Shiite militants in the central city of Diwaniyah null and void, and demanded an inquiry into the killing of 13 soldiers.

Iraqi Hospitals Are War's New 'Killing Fields': Armed Shiite Muslim militiamen dragged the 43-year-old Sunni mason down the hallway floor, snapping intravenous needles and a breathing tube out of his body, and later riddled his body with bullets, family members said.

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