Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine Part Deux

Israeli soldiers harass families, human rights workers in Hebron to facilitate Jewish 'tour' group: Today in the Tel Rumeida area of Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, the Israeli army went from house to house and forcibly entered every Palestinian home in the neighbourhood, according to a report from international human rights workers in the area.

Palestinian Prime Minister endorses two-day weekend: For the first time in the history of Palestine, a 40-hour work-week with a two-day weekend has been declared by the Hamas-led Palestinian government. The declaration comes in the midst of negotiations for a Palestinian national unity government, and a major financial crisis due to the suspension of international aid money to Palestine.

17 Palestinians killed, 61 injured and 99 arrested in the last week: The Palestinian National Information Center – State Information Service, released a report on Wednesday on the Israeli violations and attacks against the Palestinians during the period between August 15 and August 21. The report revealed that Israeli troops killed 17 Palestinians, injured 61, and arrested 99 in one week.

Israeli Army Goes From House to House in Hebron, Harasses Palestinian Households: Today in the Tel Rumeida area of Hebron, the Israeli army went from house to house and forcibly entered every Palestinian home in the neighbourhood. It is likely that this was in response to settler pressure as they were organising a “tour of Hebron” for today, according to the website of the Hebron settlers. All checkpoints in the area remain closed.

Fourth National Child Conference starts in Bethlehem: Defense For Children International, (DCI) Palestine Branch, announced the opening of the four National Child conference in the West Bank city of Bethlehem. The conference will focus on “Child Neglect, Exploitation, and Abuse” and will involve one hundred boys and girls from all over the West Bank, in addition to Occupied Syrian Golan Heights, Nazareth and Jerusalem.

The occupier defines justice: The Palestinian detainees are led to a military court: The same military establishment that occupies and destroys and suppresses the civilian population is the one that determines that to resist occupation - even by popular demonstrations and waving flags, not only by killing and bearing arms - is a crime. It is the one to prosecute, and it is the one to judge. Its judges are loyal to the interest of defending the occupier and the settler.

PLC head charged by Israeli court: An Israeli court charged on Wednesday the head of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Dr. Aziz Dweik, with membership and and activity in “an outlawed organization”, referring to the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas.

Palestinian Companies Forced to Buy Israeli Products: In the past year, the price to import and process shipments has drastically risen, although it is only recently that companies in Nablus have been affected. One particular order got stuck in Israeli customs for more than 2 months and the company was forced to pay an additional import fee of 25,000 NIS (about $5,000 dollars) to access the order.

Crisis could bring Lieberman's Yisrael Beitenu into coalition picture: Sources close to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said yesterday the coalition crisis would leave Olmert no choice but to invite Yisrael Beitenu to join the coalition. Yisrael Beitenu chairman MK Avigdor Lieberman said the only way he would join the coalition would be if his party replaced Labor.

Hamas forms team to discuss forming coalition government: Also on Sunday, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) urged a rapid formation of a coalition government to be able to respond to the current Palestinian situation. "The present situation requires speeding up the formation of a coalition government, otherwise, burdens will increase,"

Israeli army arrests 11 Palestinians in W. Bank: Witnesses said that the troops stormed Ramallah city and arrested two members of the governing Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and two others from President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party.

US campaigns put administration and Apartheid Israel on trial: On August 30th the International Campaign to demand accountability for US/Israeli war crimes is to hold a tribunal outside the United Nations building in New York. Witnesses to Occupation war crimes in Lebanon and Gaza will be speaking and campaigners, including former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, will be presenting a body of evidence.

Dead Sea project may start soon, says World Bank: A study of a $2-$4 billion project to top up the shrinking Dead Sea with water from the Red Sea could start in the coming months, a World Bank official said yesterday. France, the United States, the Netherlands and Japan have signaled their willingness to help fund a $15 million feasibility study of how to reverse a 25 meter (82 feet) fall in the level of the Dead Sea in the past century.

Descent Into Moral Barbarism - By Noman Finkelstein :As Israel's military bravely fires away shells and missiles to lay waste the fragile human and physical infrastructure of Lebanon, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, waging battle on a second front to legitimize Israel's criminal aggression, bravely fires away op-eds from his foxhole at Martha's Vineyard to lay waste the fragile infrastructure of international law. These are but the latest salvoes in Dershowitz's long and distinguished career of apologetics on behalf of his Holy State.

Palestine Today - August 23, 2006: Listen to the audio from the MP3 Player on the right column. Click here to Download MP3 file 5.8MB time: 6m18s

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