Thursday, August 31, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

12 Year Old Boy Shot by Settler While Playing Near His Home: Hakim was playing with two friends, ages 8-9, when the boys spotted 3 Israeli colonists approaching them. The boys began to run away, and Hakim tripped and fell; when he stood up, the colonist man, aged approximately 40, shot him through his lower back. The bullet exited through his upper groin area, and the younger boys carried him to his home.

OPT: Oxfam calls on world leaders to lift Palestinian aid freeze at Stockholm conference: Oxfam believes that the Palestinian Authority stands to lose more than $1 billion following the suspension of aid earlier this year and Israel withholding Palestinian tax revenue, according to UN and World Bank estimates. Hundreds of thousands of people have been left without an income. Rubbish is piling in the streets, sewage is overflowing from household cesspits, schools are running without budgets and government employees are striking for lack of pay.

Israel to try Palestinian officials in Dec.: According to the report, two Palestinian Cabinet ministers, the Speaker of the Palestinian parliament and 12 lawmakers who were seized by Israel during the past two months will be put before judge on Dec. 12.

West Bank residents forced to sing in order to pass checkpoint and school bags are inspected: Israeli soldiers told the man that he had to unload everything onto the ground for inspection. Tulkarem residents say they were forced to sing the Hafez Halim song, “Salamat, Salamat” in order to pass. Residents report feeling angry and provoked.

OPT: Gaza children suffer as rich world meets to discuss aid: Since 28th June, 44 children have been killed, electricity and water infrastructure has been destroyed and humanitarian assistance has been routinely blocked from getting to those people who need it. Since 15th August, for example, no humanitarian aid at all has been allowed through some gates and even humanitarian workers have had their movements heavily restricted.

Settlers uproot scores of olive trees in Yatta near Hebron: Local sources reported that settlers uprooted trees located near an Israeli army post just outside the village. Settlers have repeatedly targeted the residents, their property and farmlands in addition to attacking the international volunteers who comes to the area to help the people.

Army takes nine civilians prisoners in Hebron area: Troops, backed by dozens of army jeeps, stormed the city and the two towns, and conducted wide scale search campaign to the residents houses. Soldiers searched and ransacked residents houses in a very rough way, eyewitnesses reported, and added that soldiers found no weapons or explosives in any of the attacked houses.

Israeli troops withdraw from eastern Gaza: Israeli troops withdrew from Gaza City's eastern outskirts early on Thursday, ending a four-day operation during which 20 Palestinians were killed, witnesses and an Israeli army spokesperson said.

Leaflets dropped on northern Gaza blame resistance: The Israeli military is holding the armed Palestinian resistance responsible for Israeli attacks and closures. Eyewitnesses report that Israeli aircraft dropped tens of thousands of leaflets on the northern Gaza Strip blaming the resistance for pedestrian and commercial crossings closures, including Rafah's southern border with Egypt.

Rabbis: Israel Too Worried Over Civilian Deaths : America’s main organization of Modern Orthodox rabbis is calling on the Israeli military to be less concerned with avoiding civilian casualties on the opposing side when carrying out future operations.

US May Cover Israel's War Costs: A senior Bush administration official said Wednesday that if asked, the US is likely to grant Israel additional military aid to cover the costs of its recent war against Hezbollah.

Ruin, despair in Gaza neighborhood after Israeli incursion : An elderly mother spoke amid the rubble of her partially destroyed home in the Shajaiya neighborhood of Gaza City, from where Israeli occupation troops pulled out early Thursday after a four-day-plus operation that killed 20 people.

MP George Gallowa, says Israel poisoning West: Galloway said Israel's 39-year occupation of swathes of Arab territory had spurred militants to attack the West.

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