Tuesday, August 1, 2006

NYT: Some Bush Sr. advisers express 'deep unease' with 'Israel policies of the son'

"Some advisers to the father are expressing increasingly deep unease with the Israel policies of the son," reads an article slated for the front page of Wednesday's New York Times.

The paper reports that there is "a generational and philosophical divide between the Bushes" which "is exacerbating the friction between their camps."

"When they first met as United States president and Israeli prime minister, George W. Bush made clear to Ariel Sharon he would not follow in the footsteps of his father," writes Sheryl Gay Stolberg for the Times.

"The first President Bush had been tough on Israel, especially the housing settlements Sharon had helped develop," Stolberg continues. "But over tea in the Oval Office that day in March 2001 the new president charted a different course, going beyond the usual expression of support by pledging to use force to protect Israel." Continued.

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