Friday, September 15, 2006

AIPAC Employees of the Month

Introduction: Ranking the presidential candidates

"The Israel Factor: Ranking the presidential candidates" is a new project on Rosner's Domain that rates potential presidential contenders in the 2008 race for the White House based on their attitudes toward Israel.
Rudy Giuliani

The former New York mayor returned a $10 million donation from a Saudi prince after 9/11 following his comments on Israel.
Newt Gingrich

The former Speaker of the House says Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas is an alliance that cannot be dealt with in isolation.
John McCain

The Arizona Senator believes America must give Israel whatever equipment and technology it needs for defense.

Hillary Clinton

The Senator for New York and former First Lady supports moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Al Gore

The former Vice President attended the celebrations in Jerusalem to mark the State of Israel's 50th anniversary.
George Pataki

The Governor of New York State says there has been a clear pattern of Israeli concession followed by Palestinian terror.

Sam Brownback

The Kansas Senator believes Israel has the right to self-defend and to 'aggressively seek' Shalit's release.
Bill Richardson

The Governor of New Mexcio maintains that the American commitment to the security of Israel is not negotiable.
Condoleezza Rice

The Secretary of State has called on Israel to help create the conditions for a Palestinian state to emerge.

Evan Bayh

The Senator for Indiana called for economic sanctions to deter Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Joseph Biden

The Senator for Delaware said Israel cannot be expected to negotiate with a party that calls for its destruction.
Christopher Dodd

The Senator for Connecticut addressed AIPAC in March 2006 on a nuclear Iran and the Hamas government.

Bill Frist

Tennessee's Senator says Israel clearly has the right to defend itself and calls for continued U.S. support for Israel.
Mark Warner

The former Virginia Governor backs unilateral Israeli moves, as Hamas is not currently a suitable partner.
John Edwards

The former senator for North Carolina has said that Iran is an enormous threat to Israel and to the Israeli people.

Russ Feingold

The Wisconsin Senator sponsored an act calling for the American embassy to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
George Allen

Senator for Virginia made a bipartisan call with Senator Lieberman for the EU to add Hezbollah to its terror group list.
Mitt Romney

The Governor for Massachussetts delayed a trip to Israel earlier this year to focus on his legislative agenda.

Wesley Clark

The retired four-star army general called Hezbollah 'the reach of Iran toward a Mediterranean beach head.'
John Kerry

The 2004 presidential candidate has called Hamas a 'brutal organization' that refuses to take part in a peaceful process.
Tom Vilsack

In May 2006, the Iowa Governor participated in a week-long visit to Israel, organized by AIPAC, to meet Israeli leaders.

Mike Huckabee

The Governor of Arkansas has made nine visits to Israel, including a trip to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum.
Chuck Hagel

The Senator for Nebraska believes that resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is central to Middle East peace.
Barack Obama

The Senator for Illinois made his first visit to Israel in January 2006, where he visited the north and toured the fence.

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