Sunday, September 3, 2006

Meanwhile in Iraq

4 U.S. Occupation soldiers among at least 25 killed: U.S. and Iraqi forces have arrested the second most senior figure of al Qaeda in Iraq and killed 20 fellow "militants", Iraq's national security adviser said.

Iraq: At least 31 killed as U.S. occupation grinds on: Fourteen South Asian pilgrims were ambushed and killed on their way to Shi'ite Muslim sites in Iraq, hospital, Interior Ministry and army sources said.

More Than 300 Killed as sectarian attacks soar in Iraq : Sectarian violence in Iraq this week has killed more than 300 Iraqis, including 64 in a series of coordinated attacks Thursday night in Baghdad, which has been the target of a U.S.-Iraqi campaign to improve security.

I no longer have power to save Iraq from civil war, warns Shia leader: The most influential moderate Shia leader in Iraq has abandoned attempts to restrain his followers, admitting that there is nothing he can do to prevent the country sliding towards civil war.

Sistani tells Maliki to 'impose security': al-Sistani said: "If the government does not do its duty in imposing security and order to the people and protecting them, it will give a chance to other powers to do this duty and this is a very dangerous matter."

Iraq: A Sweeping, Secret New Report: Bush administration policymakers and their congressional backers may get some unwelcome news from a new analysis on Iraq that the office of intelligence czar John Negroponte will soon produce.

Iraq wants more control over security

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