Thursday, September 28, 2006

Meanwhile in Lebanon

Reservists slam Lebanon war probe for soft approach: "Committee members saying that the meeting was positive and informal proves that the committee members know their real job: This is no longer an inquiry committee but a cover-up committee in Olmert's service," a spokesperson for the group said. (Apparently not enough babies were slaughtered.)

Gal-On: Probe use of cluster bombs: Haaretz reported about two weeks ago that the commander of a Multiple Launch Rocket System unit said his unit had fired about 600 cluster rockets and that the Israel Defense Forces had fired a total of about 1,800 cluster rockets, containing approximately 1.2 million bomblets. The bomblets, each of which has the strength of a hand grenade, do not all explode when they hit the ground.

Siniora: IDF presence in Lebanon 'mother of all ills': Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora on Wednesday called the ongoing Israeli military presence in Lebanese territory the "mother of all ills" and said it must be brought to an end. "There won't be any valid argument then for the continuation of weapons in the hands of Hezbollah,"

Jewish state presses bid to dictate UNIFIL''s rules of engagement: At this stage we are delaying the transfer of the territory until we reach agreement," Halutz said. Halutz said Wednesday that Israel considered "any use of military equipment, including intelligence- gathering means which are not of the Lebanese Army or UNIFIL, are violations" of Resolution 1701..."

Lebanon: UNIFIL tanks block IDF force: According to reports, the IDF force asked to advance deeper into Lebanese territory, but was stopped about 500 meters from the road leading to the village by four UNIFIL tanks manned by French soldiers as two Israeli Merkava tanks operated nearby on Lebanese soil, setting up checkpoints.

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