Sunday, September 17, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

Israel announces construction of new 'Jews-only' road and land confiscation in Bethlehem area: Israeli authorities announced Sunday a new plan to isolate over 7000 dunums of Palestinian land in the Bethlehem and Hebron areas in preparation for the continuation of the Wall and the construction of a 'Jews-only' road which will carve through the south of West Bank.

Eight Palestinians injured as Occupation raids houses at the Bil'in weekly demonstration: Eight Palestinians were injured yesterday during clashes between demonstrators and Israeli occupation forces yesterday at the weekly demonstration in the West Bank town of Bil'in. After violently dispersing the demonstration with clubs, tear-gas, rubber bullets and experimental weapons, Israeli occupation fighters pursued demonstrators into the village and went from house to house searching for them.

British Trade Unions: “Tear down the Apartheid Wall”: The Trade Union Council, which represents 66 affiliated unions and nearly seven million workers, passed the motion at its annual conference in Brighton, UK, calling for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from all occupied territories, for the British government and EU to restore funding to the Palestinian Authority and for the Israeli government to restore withheld tax revenues due to the PA.

The olive harvest test: Israel's objection to the nascent agreement for a Palestinian unity government, and the frozen plans for a unilateral withdrawal, require, among other things, that Israel continue to bear responsibility for the well-being of the Palestinian population in the West Bank. According to a June High Court ruling, "Protecting the security and possessions of the local residents is among the most basic obligations of the military commander in the field."

Join the Free Palestine Contingent, Manchester, UK 23rd September: The demonstration will meet at 12:30 by the 'Peace Garden' in St Peter's Square, about 200yds away from Albert Square’ in front of Library/by the metro stop. A specially hired train will take supporters to Manchester on the day from London. The train will be covered by national and international TV companies. Al-Jazeera TV will be travelling on the special train, and is doing a major feature on the demonstration.

OPT: Fishermen suffer naval restrictions: As some Palestinian fishermen were heading towards the sea for their daily fishing trips, 25-year-old Shadi Bakr waited anxiously at the pier for a boat owner to hire him for the day. Bakr's own boat was destroyed by the Israeli navy five weeks ago. "My boat was worth US $8,000, and I used to make $300 a week, but now I only make $3 or $4 a day, which is not enough even to buy bread and salt for my family,"

Nonaligned Movement's Final Declaration: Strongly condemns "the relentless Israeli aggression launched against Lebanon." Promotes a revival of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Supports the Palestinian people's "inalienable right to self-determination in their independent and sovereign State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital."

Four Palestinians, including two security officers, taken prisoner from Qalqilia and Hebron: Israeli soldiers, backed by jeeps and armored vehicles, invaded several areas of the northern and southern West Bank on Sunday morning and took four Palestinians prisoner from the West Bank cities of Qalqilia and Hebron.

Israeli soldiers and settlers take over house in Qalqilia, turn it into a military post: The head of the Rural Council of Kufr Qaddom town, east of Qalqilya, told WAFA News Agency that the colonisers attacked Adnan Ali's house in the eastern neighbourhood in the town, positioned themselves on its roof and confined its family members in one room. Witnesses said that there were Israeli soldiers among the attackers, who spread a state of fear and panic among children.

Palestinian collapse hurts all: Donors have been forced to watch impotently as their investments in Palestinian infrastructure and institutions have been destroyed or eroded. Israel has seen a once lucrative and dependent - if not altogether captive - market become increasingly pauperized and separated as walls, border terminals and hi-tech security arrangements dominate Israeli-Palestinian economic relations.

Police expand probe of Israeli Arab MKs' visit to Syria, Lebanon: Police on Sunday summoned former Balad MK Mohammed Miari... He is the fourth member of the Israeli Arab Knesset faction to be summoned by police for his tour of neighboring Arab countries. Current Balad MKs Azmi Bishara, Jamal Zahalka and Wasil Taha, who led the delegation, were warned before their trip that they would be questioned upon their return.

It's all a question of timing: Palestinian sources said yesterday that Corporal Gilad Shalit could very well be moved from the Gaza Strip to Egypt tonight. The sources based their remarks on statements by Palestinian figures, including Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, according to which important developments relating to Shalit's release and the release of Palestinian security prisoners were expected within the next several hours.

Hamas PM denounces ongoing attacks on West Bank churches: The head of the Hamas-led government, Ismail Haniya, denounced a spate of attacks on Christian churches in the Palestinian territories after assailants targeted two West Bank churches following Pope Benedict XVI 's comments on Islam.

Farmers: Too few permits into Gaza Strip issued: Israeli farmers who ship goods into the Gaza Strip have complained that too few produce trucks are being authorized to pass through Karni Crossing. The farmers, who are holding some 3000 tons of produce in refrigeration, have been issued only 105 permits into Gaza, Israel Radio reported.

Genocide in Gaza - By Ilan Pappe: The Israeli leadership is at lost of what to do with the Gaza Strip. It has vague ideas about the West Bank. The current government assumes that the West Bank, unlike the Strip, is an open space, at least on its eastern side. Hence if Israel, under the ingathering program of the government, annexes the parts it covets - half of the West Bank - and cleanses it of its native population, the other half would naturally lean towards Jordan, at least for a while and would not concern Israel.

Abbas now: Ehud Olmert is clutching to a straw - Road Map now. He has no other option. The suppression of pro-Iranian terror groups has failed. The new political order in Lebanon is barely enough. The Americans don't want to hear about the initiation of a diplomatic process with the Syrians. And realignment is out.

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