Monday, September 18, 2006

Poll: Most Palestinians think Hamas should not recognize Israel

"Some 66 percent of Palestinians think Hamas should not recognize Israel, said a poll by the Ramallah-based Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR), which questioned more than 1,200 adults in the West Bank and Gaza between Thursday and Saturday.

Hamas' popularity has plummeted from 47 percent since it took office in March to 38 percent currently.

Some 41 percent of those asked said they would vote for Fatah if elections were held today, putting the party slightly ahead of Hamas for the first time in months.

A small majority of Palestinians 54 percent also said they were dissatisfied with the Hamas government's performance, mostly because of its failure to pay salaries and address poverty, said the poll, which had a margin of error of 3 percent."



On the one hand a clear majority (66%) don't want Hamas to recognize Israel (as a Zionist, racist state). On the other hand the support for Hamas is dropping and 54% are dissatisfied with Hamas because of its failure to pay salaries!

I never realized that hunger causes schizophrenia! The refusal of Hamas to recognize Israel (what the majority supports) is one of the key reasons for the total blockade against the Palestinians imposed by Usrael, hence the inability of Hamas to pay the salaries (which is upsetting a majority).

Go figure!

Tony Sayegh

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