Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Rice wants other nations to put sanctions on Syria

"The United States would like other nations to join it in imposing sanctions on Syria, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in an interview published on Tuesday.

The Bush administration accuses Syria of failing to stop anti-US guerrillas from crossing its border into Iraq, supporting terrorism generally and pursuing weapons of mass destruction - charges denied by Damascus.

"What we'd really like to do is we'd like to get some others to join us in other kinds of sanctions," Rice told the New York Times according to a State Department transcript released on Tuesday.

"I think as Syria continues to show its stripes and isolate itself from its Arab friends, that may be somewhat easier to do," she added. "We're going to have to look at tougher measures if Syria continues to be on the path that it's on.""


"I think as Syria continues to show its stripes and isolate itself from its Arab friends, that may be somewhat easier to do"

so, she is concerned about Syria's isolation from its "Arab friends." In plain English she is telling Syria to join the axis of the puppets: Egypt-KSA-Jordan-Abbas allied with Israel against Iran.

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