Monday, September 11, 2006

Road Map to Nowhere

Israel/Palestine Since 2003

A new book by Professor Tanya Reinhart

"The Road Map to Nowhere is a devastating and timely book, essential to understanding the current state of the Israel/Palestine crisis and the propaganda that infects its coverage. Based on extensive analysis of information in the mainstream Israeli media, it argues that the current road map has brought no real progress and that, under cover of diplomatic successes, Israel is using the road map to strengthen its grip on the remaining occupied territories. Exploring the Gaza pullout of 2005, the West Bank "separation wall", the rise to power of the Kadima party and Hamas, Reinhart examines the gap between myth - the Israeli leadership’s public affairs achievement that has led the West to believe that a road map is in fact being implemented - and bitter reality.

Reinhart shows that throughout, Ariel Sharon’s goals, and those of his successor Ehud Olmert, have stayed the same: to maintain Gaza as a closed prison, to transform the West Bank into a system of sealed enclaves and to annex Palestinian land under cover of the construction of the "separation wall". The army, which represents the true power in Israel, will forcibly ensure the legacy of Sharon is applied - Hamas’ election success represents an ideal pretext to do so.

This powerful new book is written with the rigour and sharp anger of one of the rare Israeli intellectuals who had long predicted and explained the prolonged stalemate of the successive "peace processes" initiated by the 1993 Oslo accords."

About the author

Tanya Reinhart is Professor Emeritus of linguistics and media studies at Tel Aviv University and, from January 2007, a Global Distinguished Professor at New York University. She has had a regular column in the biggest Israeli daily, Yediot Aharonot, is the author of Israel/Palestine: How to End the War of 1948, and contributes regularly to Counterpunch, Zmag and Redress Information & Analysis websites.


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