Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Two Blogs from Palestine

Just wanted to share with y'all two of my favorite blogs fom Palestine...

Although she calls herself Nashaaz (can be Arabicized as discordant)... the most harmonious Arabic I read anywhere on the net... a Palestinian in Haifa, she lives thourgh the sharp ironies of the situation and blogs her way out...

Sheikh Rousso seems to be a former Muslim with sharp sense of humor blogs his four-letter critiques of the ironies of the Palestinian politics from the West Bank... As he says he writes with moral support from the French cigarette company Gauloises.. Their motto for those who don't know is "liberte Toujours".

Apologies again for non-Aaarabs, they are both in Arabic... one in VERY BEAUTIFUL ARABIC, and one in VERY FACETIOUS OFFENDING ARABIC.

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