Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Abbas leaves Fatah meeting AND Israel backs Abbas' forces with seized PA money

"Amman - A meeting of Fatah central committee in the Jordanian capital Amman was aborted as PA chief Mahmoud Abbas suddenly and "angrily" left the meeting amidst talks of deliberate attempts to foil that meeting.

Journalists covering the event said that members of the supervising committee of that meeting asked them to leave the venue, saying none of the central committee's members was ready to give statements; but, the journalists affirmed, "We were surprised to know that Abbas and some of his allies in the committee had exasperatedly left the meeting".

Well-informed sources close to the conferees revealed that Abbas was furious over the committee's rejection of his request to preside over the meeting. Rules and regulations of the committee don't stipulate who should chair the committee's meetings.

But the sources opined that Abbas' request was deliberately made to find a reason to foil the session that was supposed to look into a memorandum of understanding signed between Fatah leader Farook Kaddomi and Hamas' supreme political leader Khaled Mishaal in the Syrian capital Damascus.

Abbas had earlier warned Kaddomi of meeting Mishaal during his visit to Damascus.

Israel backs Abbas' forces with seized PA money:

Meanwhile, the Hebrew daily Ma'ariv newspaper unveiled that Israel will finance the training of "Abbas' army" with 300 million dollars from the hundreds of millions of dollars of PA government money it seizes.

Palestinian citizens were starving due to the unjust economic blockade imposed on them by Israel, America, and their international and regional allies with the aim to pressure them into abandoning their legal rights and national constants. The siege has so far failed in achieving its purpose as "hungry" Palestinian citizens remain steadfast on their national demands.

The paper added that Israel received the OK signal from the United States of America in this regard, affirming that part of those money sums were flowing already to the PA presidential guards, the supposed nucleus of that "Army".

The Hebrew media revelations affirmed earlier reports that the USA, with Israeli approval, was establishing secret training camps in the West Bank city of Jericho to train forces loyal to Abbas in a bid to strengthen his position and prepare him for possible military showdown with Hamas.

According to Israeli political sources of high echelon, "elements of that army were carefully selected, and criteria in this regard were already in place to exclude anyone with possible links to Hamas or Islamic Jihad".

Keith Dayton, the American security coordinator in the PA lands, according to the paper, was the one arranging the security plan for Abbas' forces and reorganizing them!!!

The American training camps and courses in Jericho would cost around 20 million dollars, according to some estimates."


Are we witnessing the re-birth of the Abbasid Caliphate with this new "Abbas Army?" What an unlikely setting! On one of the Bantustans of the West Bank, and flying the American and Israeli flags? Could it get more bizarre than this?

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