Thursday, October 26, 2006

Abu Khosa’s bodyguard one of the Kidnappers

Gaza - The bodyguard of Tawfik Abu Khosa, the Fatah spokesman in the Gaza Strip, is one of the kidnappers of the AP photographer who was released one day after his abduction at the hands of armed men in front of his residence in Gaza city on Tuesday, well informed Palestinian sources revealed.

They identified the kidnappers as Salman Abu Amra, Abu Khosa’s bodyguard, and Sa’eed Abu Amra, the bodyguard of Mohammed Joda one of the senior officials in the PA chief’s office in Gaza and Mohammed Filfil, affiliated with the PA police force, which is under the direct command of the PA chief.

A source close to the PA government expressed surprise at the news, questioning whether those elements were acting on their own.

Observers did not rule out that the kidnap was an attempt to foil the expected meeting between Fatah and Hamas leaders in Damascus under Syrian-Qatari-Spanish auspices.

The meeting aims at finding a way out of the current political impasse in the Palestinian arena after the PA chief, Mahmoud Abbas, refused the formation of a unity government based on the national document and insisted on his idea of forming a government of technocrats.

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