Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Force 17 officer tells WND rifles for Palestinians might be used to attack Jews

"Weapons and financial aid the US is considering giving to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Force 17 security detail to bolster it against Hamas might be used instead to attack Jews and "fight Israeli occupation," a senior Force 17 officer told WND in an exclusive interview.

The man, Abu Yousuf, hinted any new weapons provided by the US to his group could be shared with the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror organization, the declared "military wing" of Abbas' Fatah party. Abu Yousuf, like several Force 17 members, is also a member of the Brigades.

"There is no chance that we will use force and violence against our brothers in Hamas unless they will endanger (Abbas). There is a chance that Israel will attack the Palestinian territories, and in this case, these weapons and others provided (by the US to Force 17) will be directed towards the (Israeli) occupation," Abu Yousuf said.

After a meeting with Abbas in Ramallah last week, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told reporters the US would "do what it can" to bolster Abbas.

Last week the New York Times reported the US proposed expanding Abbas' Force 17 from 3,500 men to 6,000 as part of a USD 26-million plan to strengthen the Palestinian leader.

The Associated Press and Israel's leading Yedioth Ahronoth daily reported this past Friday new training facilities for Force 17 are slated to be set up in the West Bank town of Jericho and in Gaza, at a cost of USD 2 million each, according to the US proposal.

Senior Palestinian officials told WND the US is planning to transfer ammunition and new assault rifles to Force 17 within days and has pledged to procure about USD 28 million in aid to Abbas. They said the US would help train Force 17 members in the operation of the new weapons and in advanced combat techniques in facilities already in use in Jericho."

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