Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hamad: Solana proves his bias by meeting Lieberman, avoiding PA government officials

Gaza - Spokesman of the PA government Dr. Ghazi Hamad has accused Javier Solana, the coordinator of EU foreign policy, of displaying the EU bias against the Palestinian people by meeting "extremist" Israeli MP Avigdor Lieberman, and avoiding PA cabinet members.

In a statement he issued Saturday, Hamad said, "Lieberman is an Israeli fanatic leader known for his extremist stands against Arabs, and calls for exterminating Palestinians in the 1948-occupied Palestinian lands. Such a terrorist mentality should have prompted Solana to deal with him as a terrorist according to the international laws".

Yet, Hamad added, Solana has proven beyond reasonable doubt that the EU is biased against the Palestinian people for agreeing to meet with "terrorist" Lieberman, and refusing to meet with PA government officials.

"Solana's act displays the non-seriousness of the EU stands against the cruel IOF troops' crimes against the Palestinian people on daily basis that reaped many Palestinian lives and still is", Hamad charged.

He further underlined that Solana should have paid attention to the suffering of the Palestinian people spurred by the unjust sanctions imposed by the EU on the PA government and the Palestinian people it rules.

"He (Solana) had previously hailed the Palestinian democracy that brought Hamas to power through transparent and honest elections, and hence, he should have started to correct the big mistake of the EU of imposing an embargo on a democratically elected government", Hamad further underscored.

The PA spokesman, moreover, urged the EU to rethink its "hostile" stand against the PA government, stressing, "The EU insistence to ignore the PA elected government would not achieve stability and peace in the region, but will rather complicate matters".

"The EU must take the initiative in demanding an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands", Hamad emphasized.

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