Monday, October 9, 2006


Israel calls for int'l implementation of UN resolutions on WMD

(Don't laugh now! This is coming from a country that has 400-600 nuclear warheads and who refuses to sign the nonproliferation treaty.)

"Israel condemned Monday North Korea's nuclear test, calling it an "irresponsible and provocative act."

In a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry, Israel said it "joins others in the international community in condemning North Korea's nuclear test. The test is an irresponsible and provocative act that could pose a serious threat to the regional stability of north-east Asia and to global and international security."

Senior Labor lawmaker and former IDF brigadier general Ephraim Sneh said earlier Monday that North Korea's test of an atomic weapon reflected the weakness of the international community and "its inability to address pariah states," in a direct reference to the Western world's response to the Iranian nuclear threat.

"Perhaps this case, that of North Korea, will teach them a lesson regarding the Iran issue," Sneh told Israel Radio, referring to the West. "Israeli policy should take advantage of what happened, in order to explain and persuade the international community, saying to it, 'Do something, before it's too late.'""



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