Monday, October 2, 2006

An Interview with Tanya Reinhart

The Roadmap to Nowhere


(Tanya Reinhart is a Professor of Linguistics at Tel Aviv University and the author of Israel/Palestine: How to End the War of 1948 and The Roadmap to Nowhere)

"Your new book, Roadmap to Nowhere, covers the history of the Israeli occupation of Palestine in the last three years, a period dominated by Ariel Sharon's leadership. You argue that during this period it became evident that in Israel, decisions are taken by the military, rather than the political echelons. Can you elaborate?

Sharon is widely viewed in Israeli and Western discourse as a leader who has undergone a transformation from a philosophy of eternal war to moderation and concession. This is not quite the picture that emerges from your book.

Did the Road Map plan of 2003, with which your book opens, offer any real prospect for peace?

There is no doubt that fulfillment of this demand would contribute greatly to establishing some calm, and creating, at least, conditions for negotiations. But, as I mentioned, Israel refused to accept even that much, and stalled the road map in the same way that it had stalled the Tenet plan before.

A central event that you cover in the book is the Gaza pullout and the evacuation of the Gaza settlements. But your analysis of what went on behind the scenes of the pullout is quite different than the way it was perceived even in critical circles.

But currently there is no sign of any U.S. pressure on Israel?

What has been the role of the Pro-Israel lobby in shaping U.S. policies?

Despite the grim events described in the book, the overall feeling that comes through is that of hope. Why?

You note that since 2003, a new form of struggle has been formed along the route of the West Bank wall?"

Read this long and informative interview for answers to these questions.

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