Wednesday, October 25, 2006

IOF troops arrest 1,500 Palestinians since the capture of Shalit

Ramallah - A statistics report issued by the PA ministry of prisoners and ex-prisoners' affairs revealed that the IOF troops have rounded up more than 1,500 Palestinian citizens, including children and women, since Palestinian resistance captured IOF corporal Gilad Shalit last June.

Palestinian sources, however, expressed fears that the IOA will turn around demands set forth by the Palestinian resistance for Shalit's freedom, and could swap the newly kidnapped Palestinians with Shalit.

Palestinian resistance was clear in its human demands for Shalit's release as it demanded the simultaneous release of Palestinian children, women, sick persons, and those spending more than 20 years in Israeli jails.

The report further unveiled that the IOF troops had so far arrested more than 5,000 Palestinian children and 500 women since the outbreak of the Aqsa intifada in the year 2000.

It also confirmed that at least 183 Palestinian inmates passed away while in captivity due to torture or deliberate medical neglect.

According to the report, Palestinian detainees were confined in cells not fit for human beings under harsh incarceration conditions in clear violation of all international laws and conventions.

IOF troops, the report pointed out, used Palestinian citizens, mostly children, as human shields during their military operations in the West Bank cities in a further flagrant violation of international statutes.

In a related matter, the Vienna-based "Friends of Humanity" organization expressed grave concern over the continued Israeli refusal to allow Palestinian families to visit their beloved ones in Israeli jails.

The organization was striving to present the issue as a human issue, revealing to the PIC correspondent that it was carrying out a campaign to acquaint the world's people with the ordeal of the Palestinian families who were restricted from seeing their relatives for long times.

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