Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Israelis Crank Up Volume on Total War Mantra

By Kurt Nimmo

"According to the doddering ruin of a Labor (now Kadima) Zionist, Shimon Peres, speaking from Berlin, “the international community must adopt an aggressive stance against Iran,” as the neocon-infested Jerusalem Post reports. In other words, the international community, not suffering a threat by Iran, or likely to face one in the foreseeable future, must do the war crime bidding of the perfidious neocons and the Jabotinskyite Zionists in Israel.

The neocon-Zionist faction—ensconced deeply within the Pentagon, with their paws on the mechanism of mass destruction—have stepped up the shrillness and repetition of their warmaking mantra as they aggressively push for increased mass murder in the Middle East.

The neocons and their Zionists partners are engaged in “long nurtured theory” of a Hegelian “constructive chaos” in the Middle East. “According to the adepts of philosopher Leo Strauss, whose media branch is better known under the name of ‘neo-conservatives,’ real power cannot be exerted … if one remains in the status quo, but only, quite the contrary, in the act of destroying all forms of resistance. It is by plunging the masses into chaos that the elites can aspire to ensure the stability of their position.” Moreover, by engaging in such horrendous violence, the “imperial interests of the United States merge with those of the Jewish State.”

The neocon-Zionist alliance harbor a keen desire to “substitute to the States inherited by the collapse of the Ottoman empire, smaller entities of mono-ethnic character, and neutralize those mini-states by setting up them permanently against each other. In other terms, the idea is to reconsider the secret agreements concluded in 1916 by the French and British empires, the Sykes-Picot agreements and to establish rather a total domination of the Anglo-Saxons over the region. But in order to define new states, the existing ones must first be destroyed.”

As we know, these “new states” will be vassal entities, managed by installed dictators selected for the their ruthlessness and fealty to the neocon-Zionist alliance. All of this was spelled out in collaborative neocon-Zionist white and “position” papers, most notably the “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.” The Clean Break document borrows heavily from an earlier report by Oded Yinon, formerly attached to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, and published in the World Zionist Organization house organ, Kivunim."

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