Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Meanwhile in Iraq

Violence In Occupied Iraq Leaves At Least 51 Dead: A suicide bomber unleashed a blast in a Baghdad fish market Tuesday and two Shiite families were found slain north of the capital as violence across Iraq claimed at least 51 lives.

Bloody Day of Occupation in Iraq Leaves 263 Dead : At least 16 of a total of 40 kidnap victims are still missing. Roadside bombs, mortars and simple shootings took many lives, while stray fire or mortars took the lives of several children.

11 U.S. Occupation Force Soldiers Killed In Iraq: Eleven U.S. occupation soldiers have been killed in recent fighting in Iraq. The U.S. command said the toll included nine Army soldiers and two Marines.

Beatings, abductions, shootings: on patrol with the al-Mahdi army: ABU MAHA admits freely that he kills and kidnaps Sunni “terrorists”. At checkpoints Iraqi soldiers greet him by name and let him pass.

New Militias Push Govt Back Further: Reports of the setting up of U.S.-backed Sunni militias have brought new uncertainty to deepening chaos within Iraq.

American Narcissism and Iraq: The Iraq War Isn't a Quagmire. It's Just Wrong.

Allan Weisbecker: Reading Bob Woodward to steep myself in lies: A question for Bob: What State of Denial were you living in that you could claim that a car bombing that slaughters scores and maims hundreds is rule breaking? - You want a list of laws, international and domestic – plus supreme laws of the land, this land, the U.S. of A.– that were broken in this collusion between the President and CIA Director?

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