Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Meanwhile in Iraq

Iraq: At least 71 killed in ongoing bloody U.S. occupation: A total of 60 bodies were found across Baghdad in the past 24 hours, an Interior Ministry source said. All of the bodies had gunshot wounds with some showing signs of torture.

US-led forces say kill 11 in occupied Iraqi Shi'ite city: U.S. and Iraqi troops killed 11 militants, many dressed as Iraqi policeman, in clashes around a mosque in the flashpoint southern Shi'ite city of Diwaniya on Monday night, the U.S. military said on Tuesday.

Baghdad market blast kills nine, wounds 27: A car bomb blast in a busy market killed nine people and wounded 27 in a mixed area of occupied Baghdad, security and medical sources said, amid ongoing sectarian violence.

Dahr Jamail: An Unknown City Erupts: The little known city of Baquba is emerging as one of the hotbeds of resistance in Iraq, with clashes breaking out every day.

Iraqi plan to curb sectarian killings moves ahead: In a first step, officials said Tuesday that all security checkpoints in occupied Baghdad would soon be manned by an equal number of Shiite and Sunni Arab troops to ensure the security forces do not allow sectarian attacks.

Iraq's Dark Day of Reckoning: The Iraqi government has failed. It is also time to face the terrible reality that America's mission in Iraq has substantially failed.

Iraq: Divide and Rule, 'Ethnic Cleansing Works': Polls by the State Department and independent researchers show that Iraqis favor an immediate U.S. pullout, meanwhile, an "independent commission", according to the Sunday Times, "may recommend carving up Iraq into three highly autonomous regions".

More Americans Want Immediate Iraq Withdrawal: 30 per cent of respondents believe the U.S. military should stay the course, while 26 per cent suggest a gradual withdrawal of soldiers.

Britons face trial for leaking Bush-Blair bomb memo; Two former British officials accused of leaking details of a memo reported to include references to President George W. Bush discussing bombing Arab broadcaster Al-Jazeera will face trial in April, a judge said Monday.

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