Sunday, October 15, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

Israeli occupation kill 22 Palestinians in 48 hours: An Israeli air raid on the occupied Gaza Strip killed two Palestinian militants Saturday as the Jewish state showed no let-up in its pounding of the territory that has seen 22 people killed in barely 48 hours.

Number of children killed by Israeli occupation troops doubles: The number of Palestinian children who have already been killed this year in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, almost double the number for the whole of 2005, according to the United Nations Children's Fund

Hamas warn against coup attempts during rise in Israeli violence: The Hamas movement has confirmed that the Israeli escalation is part of the plan aimed at bypassing the Palestinian election results which brought the movement to power.

Hamas: US working to topple our gov't: Group officials enraged over report that Americans will transfer USD 42 million to Fatah in order to strengthen movement. 'Financing aimed at overturning results of democratic elections in Palestinian Authority

UK NGOs call for Israel arms embargo: A London based non-governmental organization, The Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), has launched a campaign calling for an arms embargo on Israel, accusing the British government of "complicity in the occupation."

Israel war crime charge roils Canada politics: Leading candidate to head Canada's opposition Liberal Party says Israel committed war crime when it bombarded Lebanese village of Qana in July.

The Great Experiment: IS IT possible to force a whole people to submit to foreign occupation by starving it? That is, certainly, an interesting question. So interesting, indeed, that the governments of Israel and the United States, in close cooperation with Europe, are now engaged in a rigorous scientific experiment in order to obtain a definitive answer.

Israeli bombs kill 7 in occupied Gaza: A missile strike killed six "gunmen" from the Islamic militant group Hamas, Palestinian security officials said. Fifteen people were wounded in those strikes east of Gaza City. Witnesses said ambulances driving to the scene came under fire from Israeli soldiers.

US 'plot to force out Hamas' : Hamas accused the United States yesterday of fomenting internal strife among Palestinians as new details emerged of a campaign to funnel millions of dollars in funds to its opponents and provide weapons and military training for rival forces.

Analysis: No Results From Hamas Boycott : The international boycott of the Hamas-led Palestinian government has yielded no results, and as poverty soars and civil war looms, time and options are running out for Israel, the Palestinians and the international community.

Canadian PM's comment on Liberals disgraceful: : No prime minister has the right to say that anyone who voices a criticism of Israel is an enemy of the Jewish state, Liberal leadership front-runner Michael Ignatieff charged in a stinging attack levelled at the Conservative leader on Friday.

Spy Jonathan Pollard caught on tape: Surveillance video from 1985 shows American stealing secrets for Israel.

Israeli Attacks Kill 8 In The Occupied Gaza Strip: Those killed include a 13-year-old boy and a two year old child.

Palestinians clash with Israeli police outside occupied Jerusalem : Clashes erupted Friday at several checkpoints outside Jerusalem as Palestinians protested against an Israeli restriction on their entry to the al-Aqsa mosque compound in the city for Friday prayers.

Palestinian PM Rules Out Ever Recognizing Israel : " Resistance is a legitimate right...We will not give up our right to defend ourselves."

Olmert Courts Hard-Line Party in Israel : Olmert is scrambling to shore up his rickety coalition by courting a hard-line party that favors redrawing Israel's borders to exclude Arab citizens.

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