Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Meanwhile in Palestine

U.S. Stokes Palestinian Civil War : U.S. preparing Abbas guard to take on Hamas : The Bush administration has undertaken efforts to arm and train the Presidential Guard of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in order to prepare it for a potential violent confrontation with Hamas forces in the Gaza Strip.

Fatah's US saviour: Poverty and desperation have gripped Palestinians as their economy has been strangled by international sanctions against the Hamas- led government and Israel's decision to withhold, in violation of the Paris Protocol, $54 million in monthly tax revenue owed to the Palestinian Authority. Government employees have gone unpaid for seven months.

Third Intifada coming: Israel appears sure that increasing aggression against the Palestinians will lead them to internal collapse whereas it is more certain to lead to a new national uprising, reports Khaled Amayreh.

IAF stages mock raid over Beirut, southern Lebanon: United Nations peacekeepers and Lebanon say IAF overflights violate Security Council Resolution 1701 that ended a month-long war between Israel and Hezbollah guerrillas in August.

Israeli ultra-right leader sworn into government : Lieberman has called for the transfer of land and populations to create homogenous Jewish and Palestinian states, and for the execution of Israeli Arab MPs who have had dealings with the ruling Palestinian Islamist Hamas movement, which Israel considers a terrorist organisation.

Labor votes to stay in power : Israel's Labor Party decided to stay in the coalition government despite the recent inclusion of a right-wing faction.

Israel: Labour minister quits over Lieberman's role : A lone Labour minister has resigned in protest at the inclusion of the right-wing politician Avigdor Lieberman in the coalition cabinet of the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Unmasking the Second Palestinian Intifada: What is happening today in the Occupied Territories isn't politics. It is an overwhelming nightmare that plagues 3.8 million people every day.

Texas Versus Tel Aviv: US Policy in the Middle East: Almost without exception, Israel's ideological soldiers have taken to the opinion columns of all the major newspapers, television and radio shows (as self-reputed Middle East experts) to promote the breaking up of Iraq into mini-states and to pursue the killing fields beyond the over 650,000 slaughtered Iraqi civilians and 3,000 dead US soldiers.

Occupied Gaza: 1 killed, 3 injured from IOF shell: According to the Palestinians, an IOF tank shot at targets in the city and one of the shells hit a private home.

Bearing witness to the intifada: THEY came through the wall using sledgehammers. With their faces daubed in camouflage paint and assault rifles and machine guns under their arms, they were a terrifying sight for the Hassan family, who huddled together in fear. There were at least 10 of the Israeli soldiers. They took the family's blankets and bedded down.

Israeli barrier and settlement to leave West Bank village with nowhere to go: Land confiscation and pollution threaten future of ancient farming community

Olmert apologizes for incident with Germany : German Defense Ministry says another incident occurred on Thursday, involved German navy helicopter, Israeli F-16 fighters. Bild am Sonntag newspaper reports Israeli planes had 'dangerously badgered' helicopter

Israel backs down on visas for Palestinians from US : Israel may be forced to reverse a controversial policy of expelling Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza after a vigorous protest from America.

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