Sunday, October 8, 2006

MP Mousa: Fatah moderates enter the American trench against their own people

"Gaza - Deputy-head of the Hamas' bloc in the PLC MP Yahya Mousa has announced that the PLC had put its hand on tens of the corruption files of former PA government officials, including the file of the scandalous cement deal that was used in building Israel's apartheid wall in the West Bank.

Mousa's announcement came during a joint press conference he held with MP Faraj Al-Ghoul of Hamas also in Gaza city Saturday where he urged PA chief Mahmoud Abbas to sack PA attorney-general Ahmed Al-Mughanni for doing nothing tangible in unveiling names of embezzlers of the 700 million dollars of the Palestinian people's money.

Before the journalists' cameras, Mousa displayed a sample of the corruption files of erred former PA officials as well as files signed by former PA finance minister Salam Fayyadh that financed Fatah election campaign from the PA public funds.

As this develops, the Hamas deputy urged all Palestinian factions, including Fatah, to get rid of the adverse deals signed with the Israeli occupation government, including the infamous Oslo agreement, the crossings agreement, and the Paris economic agreement among other harmful treaties that strangled the Palestinian economy.

Furthermore, Mousa called on Fatah faction to "explain its stand whether it was with the Palestinian people and the country, or with the American president, the US secretary of state, and the Quartet conditions".

Preemptive Fatah steps:
Mousa, moreover, described calls made by MP Azzam Al-Ahmed, head of Fatah bloc in the PLC, to overthrow the current government and form an "emergency" government as "preemptive steps to cover those files of corruption".

But Mousa wasn’t able to hide his regret over the fall of a number of the so-called "moderates" in the Palestinian arena (a term bestowed by the White House on Palestinians officials rotating in its orbit) in the American trench against their own Palestinian people.

Mousa lashed back at him and said "The disappointing matter wasn’t Haneyya's frank speech, but it was rather the reneging of some Palestinian parties on national constants of the Palestinian people, and the entry of certain spokesmen of Fatah faction in the Israeli-American coalition against the Palestinian people", adding that those parties were happy with the "certificate of good conduct" given to them by Washington.

Mousa also flayed Nabil Amre, the media advisor of the PA chief, for saying that "Haneyya's speech didn’t answer the big questions in the Palestinian arena", and reminded him that he turned against his "former master Yasser Arafat" when the latter became weak after the 3-year Israeli siege imposed on him.

"Such kind of unfaithful persons has their own agenda in the Palestinian arena that harmonizes with the American vision, and calls for abandoning 78% of the Palestinian lands in favor of Israel", Mousa explained, describing such people as "parasites" that grew bigger over the past 12 years."

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