Friday, October 13, 2006


The poll asks:

What is the best solution to resolve the internal Palestinian crisis?

Here are the results, with 1,750 people responding:

Resignation of the Hamas government------9.8%

Resignation of Mahmoud Abbas-------------59.5%

Forming a national unity government------30.7%

It is important to save these results, which have held steady so far. As experience shows, when Fatah finds out about the poll it will instruct its supporters to vote en masse to dramatically change the results, against Hamas and in favor of Abbas. At that point the poll will become meaningless. But up to this point, the poll has been random and the results should be viewed as representative.



The results have held relatively steady, but are beginning to change, indicating that Fatah may have found out about the poll. In that case, the volume will increase enormously. In a similar recent poll, the total number of respondents exceeded one million!

With 5,900 people responding:

Resignation of the Hamas government------11.3%

Resignation of Mahmoud Abbas---------------60%

Forming a national unity government------28.7%

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