Monday, October 2, 2006

The Palestinian people are not cheap

By Khalid Amayreh

"For over seven months now, the Palestinian people have been subjected to intensive pressure from the United States, Europe, Israel and some perfidious Arab regimes for the purpose of brining us to our knees and forcing us give up our rights to freedom and independence.

Similarly, Europe , which had created Israel at the Palestinian people’s expense, froze all sorts of assistance to the Palestinians to force their government to recognize Israel and accept its Nazi-like occupation.

Interestingly, some Arab regimes that are at Israel’s and America’s beck and call have also chosen to join the anti-Palestinian chorus by barring Palestinian officials from visiting their capitals where the Mossad enjoys a virtual carte blanch to implant spies, recruit informers and closely monitor all free voices in these countries.

Fortunately, and despite the induced starvation and the daily killings in Gaza and the West Bank , the Palestinian people haven’t committed national apostasy as the enemies have hoped all along.

The massive rally in Jabalya refugee camp on 29 September, which attracted tens of thousands of people, is another testimony to the faithfulness, dignity and enduring vigor of our people.

Our people are not naïve or stupid or cheap. They know certainly that the chalice offered by America and Israel and the perfidious Arab regimes in return for recognizing Israel is a poisoned drink, they know that if they allowed themselves to be bullied into recognizing Israel, they would be forced to give up al-Quds al Sharif and al Masjidul Aqsa and the paramount right of return for Palestinian refugees. They know that America is a liar, a big liar, that should never be trusted or believed. They know that should we give up now, we will get neither freedom nor statehood, in addition to losing our national dignity.

The huge rally in Jabalya is not an isolated event. According to an opinion poll conducted by Dr. Khalil Sheqaki recently, Hamas has more or less maintained its popularity among Palestinians despite the draconian sanctions. In fact, there are genuine indications that Hamas would win once again if elections were to be held now.

Finally, a word to those Palestinians who are coordinating and conniving with the enemies and conspiring to bring the government down. What you are doing is a grand treachery because working with the enemies against your own people is an unforgivable act of treason. Besides, you know for sure that America is the tormentor of our people and nothing good can really come from it."

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