Friday, November 3, 2006

Gaza: Beit Hanoun Siege Diary

Dr. Mona Elfarra

"Wednesday 1 November 1.30 am
Khalil Hamad died waiting for a permit to go to the hospital!!!

Israeli occupying forces launched a massive attack against northern Gaza, focused on Beit Hanoun village. At the start of this assault, the village was placed under strict siege. Nobody was allowed in or out of Beit Hanoun.

At AlAwda hospital where 45 injured were admitted for treatment, and 3 dead bodies received, I was told by our Emergency Room staff that one of these dead could have been saved easily.

While bleeding and suffering from multiple injuries Mr. Khalil Hamad had to wait for special arrangements and an army permit to transfer him via the Red Cross from outside the village to the nearest hospital (AlAwda) 5 minutes away from the scene. Mr. Hamad bled to death before he arrived at our hospital.

A few minutes means a lot in the ER room in such cases, not to mention that he
was left to die on purpose.

Speaking of war crimes and Geneva conventions, human rights violations etc. etc., this frank violation of human rights is the normal attitude and practice of the Israeli army in Palestine.

Thursday 2 November

The ambulances were not allowed to enter the village, but they managed to evacuate a few casualities on the outskirts while working under heavy fire. Some cases arrived at the hospital where they were operated upon, others were referred to the Gaza Central Hospital Ashifa.

I was told by the surgeons that the injuries were all serious – to the neck, abdomen, head, and lower extremities – and were caused by large-sized bullets.

Friday 3 November 10 am

Women demonstrating and determined to break the siege ER at AlAwda hospital

The 14 beds in ER were not sufficient to receive the injured.
A protest demonstration by the village women determined to break the siege and free their men who were confined by the army inside one of the village mosques. The women protested and managed to give free passage to the men inside the mosque. At least 15 injured women were received in the AlAwda Hospital, but 2 were shot dead by the Israeli army.

This morning I visited some of the women inside the hospital. They were still in
a state of shock, and deserve love, respect and quality medical care.

This is the Palestinian woman. She has always been an active part of resisting the
occupation, and will continue to pay the price of striving towards freedom.

Death toll 25
Injured 115, many are women and children under 16

The operation is continuing and may extend to different areas. The streets
of Gaza are full of demonstrators.


Don't get too upset. These are Condoleezza's "birth pangs" arriving in Beit Hanoun. The good doctor, El-Farra, does not understand these things.



The number of Palestinians killed in Gaza in less than 3 days is now at least 35.

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