Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hamas: American veto in UNSC tantamount to political, moral, and racist aggression on Palestinians

"Gaza - The Hamas Movement has considered the American use of the veto power late Saturday in blocking a UNSC resolution condemning the IOF carnage in Beit Hanun city on Wednesday as a political and moral aggression on the Palestinian people and the just Palestinian question.

"The American step serves as a clear message that the USA cares less about the feelings of the bereaved people in Beit Hanun who lost tens of their beloved ones in the massacre", the Movement underlined in a statement it issued and a copy of which was faxed to the PIC.

The statement charged that the USA has unequivocally proved that it goes against human values, ethics, and international laws. The USA further unmasked its hostile stand towards the Palestinian people and Arab and Muslim issues, the statement added.

The Movement asserted that the hostile American stands towards Arab and Muslim issues will harm its interest in the region, especially with the tens of similar acts it has taken since the UN was established [in 1945].

Hence, the Movement urged Palestinian citizens to express their refusal to the American stand, and to organize rallies and activities to condemn it. It also called on Arab and Muslim countries to take above-board stands vis-à-vis such American stands, and to support the Palestinian people in confronting the "Nazi-like" Israeli terrorism.

Arab foreign ministers are scheduled to meet today in the Egyptian capital Cairo to discuss the massacre. PA foreign minister Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahhar is in Cairo and will head Palestine's delegation as he is expected to encourage his counterparts to take united and decisive Arab stand towards Israel's brutality against the Palestinian people.

Irked by the American veto, Hamas' political leader in the West Bank Khaled Al-Haj pointed out that the USA has used the veto power more than 40 times within the past 30 years in Israel's favor against the Palestinian people.

"The American step in the UNSC contradicts the basic human rights which the American administration bragged about now and then, and used them as a justification for its invasion to a number of Arab and Muslim countries, including Iraq and Afghanistan", Al-Haj pointed out, stressing that the Palestinian people had all the right to avenge the massacre.

He also supported PA premier Ismail Haneyya's plan to bring international investigators into the city to vet the massacre. "


Empty rhetoric! A rather mediocre statement.

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