Thursday, November 2, 2006

Hezbollah says US using Lebanon government as tool against Syria, Iran

"Hezbollah on Thursday rejected US accusations that it was seeking to topple Beirut's government and accused Washington of using Lebanon to wage "war" against Syria and Iran. "The latest American position is a blatant interference in a Lebanese internal affair concerning the Lebanese people's choices over their government and policies," a Hezbollah statement said. The White House on Wednesday sounded the alarm over what it called "mounting evidence" that Hezbollah was "preparing plans to topple" the Lebanese government in collaboration with Iranian and Syrian allies. Hezbollah said "the American position is meant to obstruct the internal settlement sought by parties attempting to reach a comprehensive national solution." "It is also meant to throw Lebanon into Washington's battle against forces and states that are friendly and brotherly to Lebanon and its people, including Iran and Syria," it said. Hezbollah accused Washington of seeking to "turn Lebanon into a tool of the war of the US President George W. Bush administration against those considered enemies," the statement said. Hezbollah advised Lebanon's government to "listen to the opinion of the Lebanese people, and not to Bush's opinion, and follow the pulse of the Lebanese street and not the pulse of the White House. "This American violation of our national sovereignty will not scare our people or prevent them from practicing all their constitutional rights, including the right to demonstrate, vote and select the government," it said. "

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