Sunday, November 5, 2006

IOF troops kidnap PA minister's sons, turn his house into barracks

Gaza - IOF troops invading and committing massacres against Palestinian civilians in the northern Gaza Strip city of Beit Hanun have occupied house of PA refugee affairs' minister Atef Odwan in the city and kidnapped his three sons Saturday, a statement issued by the ministry affirmed.

"The brutal IOF troops targeted house of minister Odwan and occupied it before kicking his family out and turning it into military barracks for their snipers. The troops also rounded up the minister's three sons in the assault", the statement added.

Two of Odwan's bodyguards, Husam Abu Harbied, 25, and Suhaib Odwan, 23, have fallen martyrs a couple of days ago while blocking the ongoing IOF troops' invasion of the city. The Israelis were, according to the statement, searching for Odwan to abduct him.

Odwan was the first PA minister in the current Hamas-led PA government to be received in a number of European countries, including Norway and Denmark among others, despite the US-led embargo on the PA government officials, where he explained the tragedy of the besieged Palestinian people.

However, the statement underlined that the IOF troops' kidnapping of PA ministers, lawmakers, and elected municipal officials was an unprecedented event in the world that should be immediately bridled.

The USA led an international financial and political embargo it imposed on the Palestinian people and the democratically elected PA government with the help of its European and regional allies for eight months now.

The ministry further urged the international community to break its unjustified silence towards the IOF troops' brutality in Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and to promptly carry out its mandate in protecting the unarmed Palestinian civilians.

In a related matter, IOF troops in Tulkarm city in the West Bank failed in abducting Hamas' political leader in the city Jaber Mohammed Jaber, 45, after raiding and ransacking his house Saturday. Jaber wasn’t in the house at the time of the raid.

According to local eyewitnesses, several IOF military vehicles stormed the Palestinian village of Ektaba, near Tulkarm, and headed to the house of Jaber before wreaking havoc in it. The Israeli soldiers, the witnesses added, threatened to kill his family members if he didn’t surrender.

A couple of days ago, the IOF troops kidnapped PA public works minister Abdul Rahman Zaidan at his house in Ramallah city. Tens of PA ministers, and lawmakers including PLC speaker Dr. Aziz Duwaik among other Palestinian parliamentarians (mostly from Hamas) were kidnapped at the hands of the IOF troops three months ago and retained in the jails till now.

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