Saturday, November 18, 2006

Lieberman: Israel must reclaim control of Gaza-Egypt border


"Cabinet Minister Avigdor Lieberman told Israel Radio Saturday morning that Israel should reclaim control over the Rafah crossing and the Philadelphi Route on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip.

In the interview, the Deputy Prime Minister said that Israel need not reoccupy the Gaza Strip, but must take control over the area from which "the fuel that drives terrorism arrives."

Lieberman told Israel Radio that the proposals by Minister Shimon Peres and the Defense Ministry are senseless.

"There is no point in new peace initiatives, and those who initiate them are irresponsible and unwise."

According to Lieberman, the Palestinians do not truly desire a country, but instead "work in the service of international Jihad."

"There is no point in striking refugee camps and Palestinians who have nothing to lose," Lieberman said. "Instead, we should strike the entire Hamas leadership roaming free in Gaza."

Liberman said in the interview that "Judea and Samaria should be handled in cooperation with Jordan, and Abu-Mazen [Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas] should be ignored as he is not relevant, hated and lacking any authority in he territories."

He added that some people are interested in improving their situation, and that these are the people Israel should talk to.

"We must improve their financial situation, but we mustn't repeat the mistaked of Oslo and the Road Map," Lieberman said.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert forged an alliance with Lieberman, one of Israel's most divisive politciains, last month to shore up his shaky coalition.

Olmert's spokeswoman, Miri Eisin, had no comment Saturday on Lieberman's latest remarks."

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