Saturday, November 4, 2006

Meanwhile in Iraq

Iraq War Will Cost More-than-$2-Trillion: In January, we estimated that the true cost of the Iraq war could reach $2 trillion, a figure that seemed shockingly high. But since that time, the cost of the war – in both blood and money – has risen even faster than our projections anticipated.

Iraqi police find 56 bodies scattered around occupied Baghdad : Most of the bullet-riddled bodies were bound, blindfolded and showing signs of torture, the source said.

Iraqi police kill 53 "terrorist" suspects in Baghdad : Iraqi security forces killed 53 insurgents and detained 16 others in fierce gunbattle in southeastern Baghdad on Saturday, Iraqi official television reported.

At least 29 killed as brutal U.S. occupation continues: Mortar rounds killed seven people and wounded 20 in Baghdad's western Adhamiya district on Saturday night

Poll: 70% Of Iraqi's Want U.S Occupation Troops Withdrawn Within A Year : 78 percent said the U.S. presence provokes more conflict than it prevents; 84 percent said they had little or no confidence in the U.S military.

Iraq Imposes Curfew in Capital, Four Provinces: Iraqi officials on Saturday announced an all-day Sunday curfew in Baghdad and four provinces, fearing that the expected announcement of a verdict in the trial of former leader Saddam Hussein could inflame nationalist and sectarian passions and escalate the daily deluge of violence.

Verdict in trial of Saddam Hussein due Sunday : Iraqis and human rights advocates have questioned the timing of the verdict in the Dujail case — two days before midterm elections in the United States — and whether it is intended to boost President Bush and his Republican allies.

Juan Cole: Top Ten Ways we know We have Lost in Iraq

Rats Jump Ship: Richard Perle: Iraq War Decision Wrong: Richard Perle, a leading proponent of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, now says devastating dysfunction within the Bush administration has turned U.S. policy there into a disaster.

Rats Jump Ship: Neocons turn on Bush for incompetence over Iraq war: Several prominent neoconservatives have turned on George Bush days before critical midterm elections, lambasting his administration for incompetence in the handling of the Iraq war and questioning the wisdom of the 2003 invasion they were instrumental in promoting.

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